58 percent use their smartphone on the toilet

2023-07-01 07:04:00

This was the result of a survey commissioned by the VPN provider NordVPN among 1000 respondents in several countries.

Almost half (44.7) of the Austrians who take their smartphone with them when they go to the toilet prefer to read the news when they go to the toilet. Scrolling through social media channels (37.7) and checking work news (35.7) are also very popular. At least a good quarter (26.3) pass the time with games. 11.8 percent of compatriots use their smartphone in the toilet to shop online.

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Not immune to danger

According to the study, however, dangers also lurk: 40 percent of the millennials surveyed (between the ages of 26 and 41) and a quarter of Generation Z (between the ages of 18 and 25) stated that their smartphone had accidentally fallen into the toilet. Across all age groups, this has already happened to 12.3 percent of Austrians.

The danger of cyber attacks should also not be underestimated. “Carefree scrolling to avoid boredom can quickly lead to a click on a phishing email,” says Joanna Rusin-Rohrig from NordVPN. It is advisable to avoid suspicious links and harmful pop-ups and to install updates regularly.


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