577 reports and ten injured police officers at the Vienna Derby

577 reports and ten injured police officers at the Vienna Derby

Three visitors and ten police officers were injured, one person was unable to continue his service. One person was arrested for serious bodily harm, the Vienna State Police Directorate reported on Monday. The storming of the square was brought under control in five minutes, it was emphasized.

425 reports concerned administrative law, mainly the Pyrotechnics Act. There were 152 reports under the Criminal Code. The police also recorded several damaged items, including a melted emergency belt caused by the throwing of Bengal flares.

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577 reports and ten injured police officers at the Vienna Derby

Football Austria

Sad result after Vienna derby: Nine injured, including six police officers

VIENNA. Once again, the sporting aspect of a Viennese football derby has been overshadowed by a sideshow.

Sad result after Vienna derby: Nine injured, including six police officers

“The decisive factor in the altercation on the pitch was probably the mutual throwing of pyrotechnic items by the two fan groups,” the police stated. How so many pyrotechnic items were able to get into the stadium, “even though hardly any dangerous items were found during official patrols with explosives dogs and during searches of stadium guests upon entry, is something that those responsible for this event will have to clarify,” the statement said.

“Situation brought under control in five minutes”

Basically, it should be noted that the club and its stewards are responsible for security in the stadium. The possibility of banning people who commit criminal acts in the stadium from entering the stadium is not being used sufficiently by the clubs, criticised the State Police Directorate. The police intervene “when there is a reason for police action and always under the premise of the 3D philosophy (dialogue – de-escalation – enforcement)”.

“During yesterday’s pitch invasion, the Vienna police managed to bring the situation under control in five minutes. At 7:04 p.m. the first fan entered the pitch, by 7:09 p.m. there were no more unauthorized persons on the pitch and the criminal acts had ended,” the police explained in response to APA’s question about criticism that the emergency services did not arrive more quickly. In a press release on Monday night, it was also stated that the police had already largely taken up their statutory duties outside the stadium by this time.

Photo gallery: Riots after the Vienna football derby

Riots after the Vienna football derby

(Photo: GEPA pictures/ David Bitzan) Bild 1/18

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The police intervened with the necessary determination and brought criminal acts to a “quick” end. Some suspects were identified and further criminal acts prevented. Numerous videos are still being secured and evaluated in order to determine those responsible for the criminal acts committed and to identify and report potential further crimes.



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