Can a cell phone listen to our conversations? Learn how to protect your privacy

2024-09-29 14:58:34

Many users have had the feeling that, right after talking about a product or a celebrity, their cell phone starts displaying several related ads, even without these users having done any research on the subject. This leads many to believe that their devices are somehow “listening” to their conversations. But is this suspicion true?

Is my cell phone “spying” on me?

According to experts from Kaspersky, a global cybersecurity company, this story that cell phones listen to users’ conversations is closer to being a myth than a proven reality. What actually happens is that smartphones, like other devices connected to the internet, use a very sophisticated data tracking system to collect information and, thus, provide personalized content and advertisements.

While we browse the web, all of our online habits, such as the pages we visit, the products we click on, and even our geolocation, are recorded and used to create a profile of our preferences. Every search we perform or link we click leaves a digital footprint, which can later be used to deliver targeted advertising.

Therefore, contrary to what many believe, there is active listening to cell phone microphones to capture your everyday conversations.

Tips for protecting your privacy

If the idea of ​​being constantly tracked bothers you and you would like to keep your online behavior more private, there are some steps you can take. Below are some tips to protect your privacy and reduce the collection of information about your internet usage.

Review app permissions

Before installing any app on your device, pay attention to the permissions it requests. Many apps request access to features that are not necessary for their operation, such as the microphone and location. Disable permissions that you find most intrusive.

Disable cookie collection

Whenever possible, avoid accepting unnecessary cookies on the websites you visit. Many websites now have the option to customize cookies, allowing you to disable tracking cookies and leave only those essential for the page to function.

Use Incognito Mode

Browsers offer the option to browse in incognito mode, which prevents browsing history, cookies and personal information from being stored on the device. This functionality can be useful if you want to avoid leaving traces about the websites you visit, although it does not offer complete protection against tracking.

Block web trackers

Use browser extensions like AdBlock Plus to block ads and trackers that collect browsing data. These tools help ensure safer browsing and less exposure to unwanted collection.

Using VPN

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are a great solution for protecting your privacy, especially when you use public Wi-Fi networks, which are more vulnerable. VPNs encrypt your entire connection, making it much harder for third parties to intercept your data, as well as masking your IP address.

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