50 years since the signing of the Paris Agreement: Loving Vietnam at first sight | Politic

Mr. Botz László speaks at the 50th anniversary of the signing Paris Agreement organized by the Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary in December 2022. (Photo: Ngoc Bien/VNA)

“The feeling when I first set foot in Hanoi exactly 50 years ago has followed me all my life. It was love at first sight with the country, with the people of Vietnam.”

The old Hungarian veteran, Botz László, recalls in an intimate conversation with a reporter Vietnam News Agency in the capital city of his home country Budapest.

On January 26, 1973, exactly one day before the Paris Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam was signed (January 27, 1973), the 29-year-old Botz László arrived in Hanoi. Interior. At that time, he was one of the members of the first working group of the Hungarian delegation to join the International Commission for Control and Supervision (ICCS), also known as the Four-Party Commission, tasked with overseeing the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Mr. Botz László has a tall build, a firm face typical of a soldier who has served for many years in the army, but when it comes to two Vietnamese languages, he shows a friendly smile, and his voice feels like listening. emotions and memories of half a century have passed.

He said that the scene of receiving the Hungarian delegation in Hanoi 50 years ago left a deep impression that he could never forget. He had witnessed firsthand the view of the streets, houses, roads and structures destroyed by bombs just a few weeks ago during the US B-52 carpeting.

In that crumbling scene, what impressed the young man from Europe was the radiant and happy faces of the people of Hanoi capital because he felt in the Vietnamese people the belief in peace. Coming.

With a warm voice, he said: “The feeling when I first set foot in Hanoi exactly 50 years ago has followed me all my life. It was love at first sight of me with the country, with the people of Vietnam. Therefore, in all the time, from the time I was on duty in Vietnam until the following years, I was always willing to return to Vietnam at any time to meet and interact with people. wonderful.”

50 men on the first day of the Paris Palace: Yeu Viet Nam started to see the first picture of him 2Mr. Botz László talks with his teammates at the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement held by the Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary in December 2022. (Photo: Ngoc Bien/VNA)

Mr. Botz László emphasized that the Hungarian Government was very happy to accept the invitation and was ready to prepare personnel when the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam proposed to send a delegation to participate in the 4-Party Committee to supervise the implementation of the Paris Agreement. During the period from January 26, 1973 to May 9, 1975, Hungary sent 636 soldiers, border guards, civilian and diplomatic personnel to carry out peacekeeping missions in Vietnam, of which 2 people died in the line of duty in April 1973.

He expressed his emotion when the State and people of Vietnam always recognize Hungary’s contributions and appreciate Hungary’s companionship in the 4-Party Committee, contributing to the cause of national liberation and restoring peace in Vietnam. Male.

He confided: “At that time, we as soldiers completed the assigned task. I can say, the pride of a Hungarian soldier, plus the desire to help and support the country and the people of Vietnam are the emotions that completely dominated our activities during those years. Unfortunately, we all think that with the signing of the Paris Agreement in January 1973, peace has really come close to Vietnam, but it took nearly two and a half years with many difficulties and hardships. By sacrificing your blood and blood, you can gain complete independence and unify the country.”

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Also on this occasion, the Hungarian veteran said he admired the spirit of the Vietnam People’s Army soldiers, who fought bravely for many decades to liberate the nation, to realize this goal. President Ho Chi Minh’s dream is to reunify the country.

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He said: “The soldiers of the Vietnam People’s Army together with the soldiers of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam have made victory spring 1975 to unify the country, bring real peace to the country of Vietnam. Besides, it is impossible not to mention the support of the entire Vietnamese people and nation for the soldiers so that they can fulfill their noble duties.”

Mr. Botz László said that he and his teammates, who have joined the 4-Party Committee, feel proud and also thank Vietnam for having the opportunity to be a part of and contribute to the cause of winning the championship. independence and freedom of Vietnam.

50 men on the first day of the Paris Palace: Yeu Viet Nam started to see the first picture of him 3Mr. Botz László and Hungarian veterans who participated in the 4-Party Committee took souvenir photos. (Photo: Ngoc Bien/VNA)

He also highly appreciated the development of Vietnam after the war and emphasized that in the past 50 years, with all his heart, mind and efforts, the Vietnamese people have made great strides in development. miracle that, according to him, not many countries in the world can do. “We are honored to support and help you through these difficult years, and we are also honored to be friends with you,” he said.

After completing the mission, returning from Vietnam, despite always being busy with work at home and abroad, especially after holding the responsibilities of a general in the Hungarian army and a career in scientific research. The study of a famous doctor and scholar, Mr. Botz László has always had a special interest and love for the “S-shaped strip of land.”

He, along with his friends, veterans and Hungarian cadres who used to work at the 4-Party Committee participated in the founding of the Hungary-Vietnam Friendship Association in 1989, becoming a persistent and enthusiastic bridge between the two countries. Over the past 30 years, the Association’s members have been contributing to fostering the Hungarian-Vietnamese relationship in the spirit of friendship, considering the introduction and promotion of Vietnamese culture in Hungary as a key task.

In 2022, after the COVID-19 pandemic subsided, the Hungary-Vietnam Friendship Association actively resumed normal activities with very specific plans and programs. As the President of the Association, along with more than 130 members of the executive committee, Mr. Botz László regularly organizes meetings to assess the situation of personnel, organization and coordination with Vietnamese associations such as the Association. Vietnamese in Hungary, Friendship Association Vietnam-Hungary and the Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary.

Representatives of the Association participated in a forum on the topic of “Southeast Asia after COVID-19” in February 2022, together with the Vietnamese Association in Hungary to celebrate the 47th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and reunification of the country. , celebrating 132 years of President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday, Vietnam Culture Day…

Mr. Botz László said that he and his teammates in the following years when working at the Hungary-Vietnam Friendship Association, continue to devote themselves to strengthening and further strengthening the relations between the two countries. , between two peoples. He expressed his wish that more and more Vietnamese and Hungarians understand each other’s country and each other’s history. “Let’s visit each other’s countries more often to inspire this for generations to come,” he said.

Ngoc Bien (VNA/Vietnam+)

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