50 countries at risk of default on debt | Around the world DAILY

Although Sri Lanka’s problems are unique, Failures in the Rajapaksa family’s economic management, but failures in government administration are not the only factors driving Sri Lanka into bankruptcy. Sri Lanka has reached this point due to external shocks. add to it The first is the coronavirus outbreak. the second is higher interest rates on loans and the last one is Russia’s war in Ukraine has caused huge increases in food and energy prices. # default payment #Expel Sri Lankan Leaders #Sri Lanka elections #PPTVHD36 #around the world DAILY #big news stories #channel 36 #PPTVNews #PPTVStories #news today Follow more news on the website. https://www.pptvhd36.com and social media channels facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PPTVHD36 twitter : https://twitter.com/PPTVHD36 instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ pptvhd36/

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50 countries at risk of default

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