5-year-old immigrant drowns in the Colorado River near Yuma | Univision Phoenix KTVW

And 5-year-old immigrant minor drowned earlier this week in the Colorado River, at a point near Yumaafter being separated from his mother when both were trying to cross the border into the United States.

The events occurred on Monday, when the woman alerted agents of the Yuma Sector of the Border Patrol that her son -whose gender has not been specified- and she they separated while crossing the Colorado River at the Morelos Dam. The immigrant assured that both had separated from a larger group.

He handed over the minor and did not see him again: he drowned

The story of the woman, in the custody of the authorities, indicates that gave the infant to someone else of the group, and saw him for the last time near the dam. Agents from the Imperial County Sheriff’s Office in California then began the search, which ended when they found the body.

Identity and nationality not disclosed of mother and son; It is also not clear whether the minor Was it a boy or could it have been a girl?.

Responding to a tweet reporting the incident, Governor Doug Ducey called the incident “heartbreaking.” and added: “Make no mistake. This is a humanitarian crisis.”

The area of ​​the Colorado River where the Morelos dam is located usually has lower water levels, which has made it a frequent passage for immigrants.

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