5 women in Vienna found dead within one day

5 women in Vienna found dead within one day

In the morning, the police came across a dead 51-year-old and her 13-year-old daughter, who had also been killed, in an apartment on Erdbergstrasse in Vienna-Landstrasse. Late in the evening, three young women were found stabbed to death in a red light bar on Engerthstrasse in Vienna-Brigittenau. In this case, an urgent suspect was caught.

Crime scene cordoned off over a large area

What happened in the small Asia Studio is currently the subject of an investigation carried out by the State Criminal Police Office. The state police headquarters initially provided no information on the nationality or age of the victims. They were probably young Asian women who worked in the establishment but were also available for hotel and home visits. The crime scene group was still busy collecting evidence shortly before midnight, and the crime scene was cordoned off over a large area. As the spokesman for the State Police Directorate, Philipp Haßlinger, explained to the APA not far from the crime scene, the bodies had massive stab and cut injuries.

Suspect found in bushes

In this case, an urgent suspect is a 27-year-old man who was tracked down in the bushes opposite the red light bar by officers from the riot unit and the Brigittenau city police command. The man, who had minor cuts, was arrested and taken to hospital. He was probably the last visitor to the club – whether he had used services there or had immediately attacked the women with a knife is currently completely unclear.

The police were alerted at 9 p.m. by a passer-by or neighbor who noticed a trail of blood stretching from the entrance area of ​​the bar to the opposite side of the street. There the emergency services came across the 27-year-old. “He wanted to hide in a bush and had a knife in his hand,” Haßlinger reported. Any medical help came too late for the three victims of the violent act. The police did not provide any information regarding the possible course of events or a possible motive. The suspect has not yet been formally questioned as an accused.

The injuries for which he was taken to the accident department of a hospital were probably self-inflicted during the fighting with the women, who were said to have at least partially defended themselves. According to initial findings, the three women were probably the only staff who were in the establishment at the time of the crime. Apart from the 27-year-old, no other living person is believed to have been in the Asia Studio.

Blunt force trauma as the cause of death

No arrest has yet been made in the case of the mother and her 13-year-old daughter who were killed on Erdbergstrasse. The 51-year-old’s mother was worried and called the police because she might no longer reach her daughter. Officials opened the apartment on Friday morning and found the woman and the girl lifeless in the anteroom. The cause of death in this case is considered to be blunt force; the two victims may have been suffocated or strangled. The search is on for the husband or father, who has since disappeared from the scene and is therefore a possible perpetrator. However, the search measures extend to the entire family environment, according to the state police department. As police spokesman Haßlinger assured on Saturday night, the search was “in full swing”. There is currently no information regarding the whereregardings of the husband or father.


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