5 ways to prevent ‘heart disease’ at risk of sudden death

Smoking cessation, abstinence from alcohol, a healthy diet, and proper exercise can help prevent heart disease. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Heart disease is a rare congenital disease Arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, improper diet, inflammation caused by, etc. A person who looked normally healthy suddenly collapses and suffers from death. heart diseaseThis is often the cause. with the Korean Heart Association 5 ways to prevent heart diseaseLet’s learn regarding

stress control

moderate stressis in everyday life vitalityalso give Everyone experiences stress, but how to deal with it often becomes a problem. stressWhen you receive it, the hormones that are harmful to the heart increase and the body fat contentincrease the usually Think positiveclass meditation etc. your own solutionYou need wisdom to overcome stress through


no smoking

Tobacco constricts blood vessels and causes blood to clot. serum fibrinogenincreases blood clotsdo. Therefore, in order to prevent and treat heart disease, no smokingis very important Especially sudden deathcast preventionSmoking cessation is essential.

abstinence from drinking

small amount of alcohol(1 glass of beer, 1 glass of soju, 2 glasses of wine) good cholesterol(HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) increaselet blood circulationalso do good However crapulencesilver the power of the heart(contraction) and make the heart beat irregularly arrhythmiacause of It also increases triglycerides arteriosclerosispromote


eating nutritious food

usually cerealsme legumes, vegetables, fruitseat a lot of Vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E If the back increases in the body, arteriosclerosis can be suppressed. back blue fish(mackerel, herring, tuna, mackerel, etc.) reduce fat and help prevent blood clots. garlicclass onion The back lowers fat.

walking exercise

walkingme other exercisewhen doing pulsemeasure or pulse within target heart rateIt is good to check that Pulse is measured for 1 minute or for 10 seconds and multiplied by 6. pulse is on the wrist radial arteryEasy to measure throughcan do. The maximum heart rate is ‘220-age’, and the target heart rate is easily obtained by multiplying the maximum heart rate by 0.6. For example, older 60 years oldIf the maximum heart rate is 220-60 = 160 repsego target heart rateis multiplied by 0.6 Episode 96becomes

By Choi Seung-sik, staff reporter choissie@kormedi.com

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited



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