5 Tips for a Healthier Super Bowl: Prioritizing Protein and Fiber

2024-01-24 21:50:00

On the other hand, if you really want to, it’s still possible to be careful that evening. Here are 5 tips and tricks for a healthier Super Bowl.

1) Don’t arrive on an empty stomach!

One of the worst things to do is not eat all day and arrive on an empty stomach! A bit like when you go grocery shopping and you’re hungry, you tend to buy a lot more. The principle is the same, if you arrive and you are too hungry, your brain will put you in a state of withdrawal and you will lose the notion of hunger and satiety. Result? We eat a lot more than usual in the evening.

2) Prioritize foods rich in protein and fiber

At a party, we often tend to eat quickly and everything. It is important to eat at a normal pace and emphasize foods rich in protein and fiber. These will satisfy you and give you the feeling of satiety. Vegetables, dip, salad, hummus, cheese, chicken, fish, meat, etc. These are all choices you should prioritize at the buffet.

#Tips #tricks #healthy #Super #Bowl

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