5 things to know about shaken baby syndrome

05 avril 2023

Even if there are no official statistics, each year in France, 400 infants are victims of shaken baby syndrome. Between 10 and 25% die from it. Data largely underestimated, mainly for lack of diagnosis. This April 5, a dedicated national day, is an opportunity to discuss this abuse.

What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

Shaken baby syndrome refers to non-accidental head trauma. It occurs when an adult (most often a parent) who can no longer bear the crying of an infant, will shake him violently. Only, the brain of an infant moves inside the cranium. Victim of the shaking, the baby will see his head swing rapidly, back and forth. His brain will then violently hit the inside of the cranial box.

What are the consequences?

The baby’s brain is in full development. The consequences are therefore much more serious than they would be for an adult. Blood vessels can tear and cause potentially irreversible brain damage. The shock can thus lead to loss of consciousness, blindness, motor deficits, learning difficulties, and even the death of the infant.

What symptoms should alert?

The other risk is that of recurrence. In the majority of cases, shaking episodes are repeated over time. It is therefore essential to protect a baby by spotting different symptoms:

  • A decrease in his skills (for example: he used to sit but can no longer do so…);
  • Unusual and pronounced irritability;
  • Lethargy;
  • A coordination disorder;
  • Extreme pallor;
  • Too rapid an increase in head circumference;
  • A bulging of the fontanelle, this small membranous area located on the baby’s head;
  • Projectile vomiting (not accompanied by fever and diarrhea);
  • Seizures;
  • A frozen gaze with no reaction to stimuli…

How to calm your crying child?

First, make sure your baby doesn’t have a fever. Check if he does not need to drink or eat, to be changed… And if he does not seem to need anything, take him in your arms, turn off the lights and maintain calm in the environment of your baby. Too much stimulation can trigger or make crying worse. Sucking sometimes helps babies relax. So you can give your child a pacifier.

Not a game

Can certain games with your child cause shaken baby syndrome? The answer is no. This syndrome is not accidental. It is indeed abuse. And although we sometimes hear that “flying” with an infant can be risky, ” it has not been found either in the literature or in the experience of experts of cases of craniocerebral trauma occurring during a game of this type », Explains the High Authority of Health.

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