5 Thai Innovations to Prevent Rainy Season Diseases: A Guide to Health and Safety

2023-10-11 02:55:00

Come get to know 5 health care innovations. Developed by the skills of Thai people Come help prevent popular diseases that come with the rainy season.

The rainy season is a time when people often feel sick. Because when it rains frequently, it causes dampness. and flooding It has become a breeding ground for various germs. and flooding is also a source ofAedes mosquitoes“A near danger that should not be overlooked. The root cause of dengue fever Also of great concern are children. In 2022, 27,912 dengue fever patients were found, and a total of 25 died, while in 2023, from January to May, 16,550 dengue fever patients were found, with 14 deaths. In addition to dengue fever, There are many other diseases such as the common cold, diseases caused by viruses mixed with rainwater. or even diseases caused by mold in indoor clothes For this reason, Thai researchers have created innovations to prevent the dangers of these diseases.

5 examples of health care innovations during the rainy season made by Thai people

1. AZAI, an innovation to eliminate and inhibit the reproduction of Aedes mosquitoes by Ikari Trading (Thailand) Company Limited, who invented and developed innovations used to eliminate and inhibit the reproduction of Aedes mosquitoes by using “Zeolai” “T” substitute for Abate sand, certified by the Department of Medical Sciences. Ministry of Public Health and the World Health Organization

There is also the LeO-Trap product to trap Aedes mosquito eggs. Helps break the cycle of mosquito larvae Reduce the breeding of mosquitoes in various sources. It can be placed in various locations. easily as desired This innovation also received an award at the National Research Fair 2017 by the National Research Council of Thailand.

2. BUG GUARD-HAPPY NOZ, an innovative product from the skills of Thai pharmacists.”dengue fever” It is also a dangerous epidemic in tropical countries where “Aedes mosquitoes” are the vectors of the disease. In Thailand, the number of patients increases every year. “BUG GUARD mosquito repellent stickers” were born from the experience of the product owner who had been sick with dengue fever as a child. Then I wonder why there is no cure. Until graduating from the Faculty of Pharmacy Chulalongkorn University therefore knows that most pharmaceutical companies are in countries with cold weather. No problems with mosquitoes or dengue fever were found. Therefore, it was the beginning of researching Thai herbs to produce mosquito repellent stickers. There is also innovation. “Onion stickers” also help relieve cold symptoms for children.

3. Nano Zinc, a Thai innovation from Perma fibers, Perma Corporation Company Limited, the inventor and owner of the innovation. “Perma Fiber” which is an innovation that combines “Nano Zinc” particles into the textile fiber. It will then be spun into yarn. woven into fabric And produced into various products such as clothing, pillowcases, bed sheets, face masks, towels, shoe soles, underwear, reducing the problem of dampness which is the cause of fungal rashes in indoor clothes.

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4. Safie Plus face masks from the Research Center for Assistive Technology and Medical Devices (A-MED) in collaboration with the National Center for Metal and Materials Technology, NSTDA, are produced by private manufacturers that have certified production standards according to ISO 13485 standard for the production of CephyPlus face masks That has been tested for efficiency in filtering PM 2.5 dust. The mask consists of 4 layers of fabric. The outermost layer serves to protect against water. The middle layer is a filter layer, while the third layer helps absorb the water that occurs, while Safie Plus adds another filter layer inserted between the outermost layer and the middle layer of a general face mask. It lies in the space between the fibers of the three layers of fabric. Therefore helps prevent PM 2.5 dust and various viruses. Be more efficient

5. UV-C light irradiator (Girm Zaber UV-C Sterilizer), an innovation from the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), suitable for use in hospitals or other high-risk places. Helps reduce the use of disinfectant sprays. Reduce the risk of workers Using an average of 5-15 minutes per spot. Girm Zaber Station has passed efficiency tests from the Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Research Institute. Chulalongkorn University And passed the Lighting standard test (TIS 1955/EN55015) from the Electrical and Electronic Product Testing Center (PTEC).

These 5 innovations reflect that “Innovation by Thai people Not allergic to anyone in the world” helps to cope and prevent germs that come with the rainy season. which is an example of ideas for SMEs in creating new innovations Come help solve problems and answer the needs of consumers. To expand the business and develop new products to market by using technology to benefit effectively. With concern from Bangkok Bank SME

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