5 skin diseases that indicate a problem in your body

05:00 pm

Saturday, November 19, 2022

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser

Skin problems are multiple, but they often result as a symptom of a problem in the body, especially with its spread or continuity for long periods, which requires immediate consultation with a specialist to solve the main problem without exposure to any health complications.

In the following report, “Consulto” reviews the most prominent health problems in the body that the skin warns of its existence, according to “Everydayhealth”.

Skin diseases that indicate a problem in your body

1- Acne

Acne usually appears as a result of some changes. If it appears in adolescence, it indicates an increase in oil production, while following advancing age, it indicates hormonal changes. Acne can worsen in women during the menstrual cycle and appears on the chin and cheeks. In all cases, it is better to consult a specialist doctor to regulate hormones and limit their spread or continuation for a long time.

Also read: Facts You Didn’t Know About Acne – It’s not just for teenagers

2- Premature aging

Some may develop signs of premature aging as a result of a lack of collagen production in the skin, and therefore care must be taken to obtain retinoids, to increase collagen stimulation, in addition to staying away from harmful sunlight, wearing medical glasses, and regular follow-up with a specialist doctor to control any signs.

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3- Skin redness

Skin redness can be a result of weak skin barrier and lack of hydration, which requires consulting a specialist doctor and using creams prescribed by the doctor, including anti-inflammatory drugs that soothe sensitive skin and make it look decent and smoother.

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4- Swelling under the eye

Many people suffer from puffiness under the eyes, which may result from allergies, smoking, excessive salt intake, or lack of sleep, so the main cause must be identified and the problem treated, but if the problem persists for a long time with increased puffiness, it is better to consult a specialist and use Suitable creams, especially before bed.

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5- Dry skin

With age, the skin begins to lose its moisture, and this can appear during the youth period, which makes the skin more vulnerable to signs of aging and wrinkles, and therefore it is better to over-consume water and water-rich foods to increase body hydration and protect the body from cracks and wounds.

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