5 simple products that slow down aging: you can find in everyone’s kitchen

Improper nutrition and an inactive lifestyle undermine the protective resources of our body. And healthy food gives strength, improves immunity and prolongs youth. Your home cooking can become a longevity laboratory by adding the following ingredients to your meals.

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Thanks to vitamin K and quercetin, spinach stops intracellular inflammation, which is responsible for the fact that every day of our life inevitably brings us closer to old age. Due to the high amount of lutein, it also protects eyesight. Vitamin A contained in it strengthens nails and hair and is an antioxidant.

White mushrooms

White mushrooms
White mushrooms

Ceps contain a unique compound that is not synthesized by the human body on its own, but is so necessary for health and longevity – this is the amino acid ergothioneine. In porcini mushrooms, its content is 10 times higher than in ordinary ones. In addition, mushrooms can enrich the body with the antioxidant glutathione. Together, they mitigate oxidative stress, prevent DNA damage, and therefore are guaranteed to slow down aging.

red bell pepper


Our body synthesizes collagen on its own, but as we age, its production declines. For this reason, wrinkles on the face, flabbiness of the skin and internal tissues begin to appear. And red sweet pepper promotes the production of collagen, due to the high content of vitamin C, the daily norm of which in it is exceeded by the recommended by 170-230%. Also, red sweet pepper helps with vision problems and is a prophylactic for anemia.


Grapes contain special polyphenolic compounds that slow down the development of neurodegenerative diseases and improve cognitive function in adults. Eating grapes helps you feel young and active and promotes a positive mindset. Due to the content of resveratrol, grapes reduce the possibility of the occurrence of vascular diseases, oncology and restrains the aging of the body.


30 grams of almonds contain 35% of vitamin E from the recommended daily allowance. Due to such a high content of vitamin E, daily consumption of almonds helps to fight age-related deterioration in the functioning of the immune system, and therefore delays the aging of the body.

Photo source: freepik.com, Legion-media



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