5 reasons to go outdoors

Just increasing the amount of outdoor activity can improve both your physical and mental health. [사진=클립아트코리아]

it’s autumn This is the perfect time for outdoor activities. Everyone knows that being active outside is good. Let’s see what’s good once more. And before the cold winter comes amount of outdoor activityHow regarding increasing the ? Just walking in the nearby park bodyWow mental health Everything can be improved. US media outlet The Huffington Post Health Benefits of Outdoor Activitiesreported on


effective exercise effect

According to a research team at the University of Essex in the UK, space with green plantsat ExerciseDoing so improves exercise performance compared to indoors. As a result of the research team having participants step on bicycle pedals on a green, gray, and red background space, the people who exercised in the green space exercise willand showed a struggle.

The results of a study by a team at the University of Exeter in the UK are similar. than those who work out at the gym. exercise outdoorspeople who doexercise regularlywas found to be highly probable.


driving force for weight loss

outdoor activitiessilver weight lossIt also contributes greatly to Mountain climbingActivities such as climbing to high altitudes have a greater effect on weight loss. high altitudetraining to climb metabolismmake it fast, suppress appetiteto induce rapid weight loss.

brain function improvement

Researchers at the University of Illinois in the United States studied children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). time to play outsideas a result of increasing concentrationThis was improved. According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, walking timeIf you increase creativityis also improved. once more outside ozoneWalking while breathing for 20 minutes is the same as drinking a cup of coffee. awakening effectThere are also studies that show that


aging gracefully

If you go outside on a regular basis every day old agelook at healthdo vigorcan be chilled According to a study published in the ‘Journal of Aging Health’, participants in their 70s outdoor activitiesLet’s do an experiment to increase the sleep disturbance and pain improve health problemsshowed results.

stress relief

According to scientists, walking in a garden or park heart rateis falling stress reliefdo. the green space eye strainIt relieves skin irritation and the fragrance of flowers such as roses and lilacs tensionIt also serves to release

Reporter Jeong Hee-eun [email protected]

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited

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