5 podcasts to develop your G culture to listen to absolutely this summer – Yahoo Style

5 podcasts to develop your G culture to listen to absolutely this summer – Yahoo Style

Gem alert. These captivating, effective and funny podcasts will delight you this summer to strengthen your G culture.

1. “General culture”: short and effective

Which king only took two baths in his life? Why do we talk about the “five techniques” in torture or why feet age less quickly than the head? With this podcast, we get straight to the point and learn a multitude of things.

General cultureto listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Deezer or directly on his site.

Also discover: 5 podcasts to chase away negative thoughts that you absolutely must listen to this summer

2. “Die less stupid”: cultivate yourself with humor

Why isn’t it cold in an igloo? Who invented potato chips? Why do tennis players scream when they hit the ball? So many questions to which we don’t always have the answer and which are treated with humor in this explosive podcast. A concentrate of humor to be savored without moderation.

Die less stupid, to listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Deezer.

3. “Now you know”: learn quickly and well

You may have wondered why Van Gogh cut off his ear or whether do colors have meaning ? Throughout the week, in less than 3 minutes, this podcast provides the essential keys to knowing what is really hidden behind cultural phenomena that have marked or are marking our world and our current events.

Now you knowto listen on Babam,

Read more on Femina.fr

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