5 herbs and spices to help burn stubborn belly fat

If you have ever been on a diet and tried to lose weight, then you know that the most difficult thing is to remove the fat “skin” on the stomach. From a medical point of view, this fat, which is called visceral fat, is the most dangerous of all – it can provoke heart attacks and strokes.

We have already told how to check your visceral fat level. Doctors believe that you can get rid of it, including adding some herbs and spices to your diet.


Turmeric activates metabolism, improves digestion, has a positive effect on metabolism – this is confirmed research. In one of them, scientists analyzed all previously published articles on the topic and concluded: if you add this Indian spice to food, there is a chance to lose weight without much difficulty.

“Eating curcumin in patients with metabolic syndrome and related disorders correlated with significant reductions in BMI and weight,” the researchers concluded.

By the way, turmeric also has anti-cancer properties, but it is not recommended for people who have kidney problems.


The compounds found in ginger have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to one of them, ginger was nicknamed fat destroyer – the participants in the experiment, who added ginger to their food every day, admitted that their appetite decreased and their figure improved.

The main thing is to eat it correctly. More than 1-2 grams per day is not worth it – it will only hurt. It is best to drink ginger water once a day – cut off a piece of root the size of a little finger, pour it with a glass of boiling water, hold it on fire for a couple of minutes and strain.



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