5 foods to lose belly fat after 50

around fifty, hormonal changes related to menopause (or andropause) slow down the metabolism, which makes weight loss more difficult. But not impossible! By practicing regular physical activity and favoring certain foods over others, you can slim down after 50. The ideal is to be accompanied by a nutrition professional, who can offer you a food rebalancing adapted to your needs and your pace of life. However, some adaptations are already possible on your scale…

Move: an essential to dislodge abdominal fat

As you age, the distribution of fat changes ; these tend to be stored more around the belly. Results : the silhouette changes. If you cannot necessarily find exactly the same flat stomach as when you were 20, it is however possible to refine this area. First, by avoiding a sedentary lifestyle as much as possible. We don’t tell you that you have to put on your sneakers and run ten kilometers every morning. But simply, to be more active on a daily basis.



Walking or cycling for journeys of less than 2 km, gardening, cleaning, dancing, playing football with your children or grandchildren… are already excellent ways to move. Of course, to refine you even more effectively, and in particular to destock abdominal fat, it can be interesting to associate a sports practice. The ideal being couple cardio (brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, zumbacross-country skiing, etc.), which leads to an increase in caloric expenditure during exercise, and bodybuilding, which increases your basic metabolism and therefore the burning of energy even at rest. Some exercises, such as sheathing, specifically target the abdominal strap.

Lose weight after 50: adapt your diet

Nevertheless, practicing regular physical activity is not enough to refine. It may even be quite useless if you have a poor parallel power supply. Eat varied and balanced is therefore essential to lose weight after menopause, and in particular, to lose belly.

First of all, avoid foods that make your stomach bloatsuch as products made with white flour and rich in gluten (white bread, white pasta, pizza…). Prefer whole grains and legumes, which are richer in fiber and therefore better for transit – their glycemic index is also lower.

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Limit consumption of red meat (prefer white meat, fish and vegetable proteins), but also processed meats, such as cold cuts and sausages. However, be sure to consume enough protein, which provides long-lasting satiety and nourishes your muscles. More broadly, avoid ultra-processed foods as much as possible (prepared meals, supermarket biscuits and pastries, crisps, etc.) frying ; favor raw and homemade products. Also watch your alcohol consumptionvery caloric.

Breakfast: what to eat to lose belly fat?

Au breakfastmore specificly, skip the supermarket cereals : rich in sugar and fat, these are, as a bonus, ultra-processed foods. Better to opt for porridge or make your own granola (this is much easier than it seems!). Avoid sugary foods in general – and cookies and pastries in particular – and prefer a salty breakfast.

Rest assured, it’s not about eating white beans and sausages out of bed. Interviewed by the American media Eatthis.comthree dieticians reveal the five best foods to enjoy in the morning to lose belly after 50 years. Discover them in pictures…

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