5 Foods That Could Be Aging Your Skin: Tips from a Dermatologist

2023-06-05 22:54:43

It is known that eating too much sugar can cause weight gain and tooth decay, and it may also not be good for your skin. Dr. Maruthapu warns that eating too much refined sugar can lead to the aging of body cells.

“Of course we can enjoy refined sugar such as cakes, cookies or sweets in moderation…but excess refined sugar in our diets can accelerate skin aging through a process called gluconeogenesis,” she says.

Glycation occurs in the bloodstream for a small percentage of the absorbed sugars. Sugar in the bloodstream binds to proteins and fats to form harmful compounds called advanced glucosamine end products (AGEs).

With age, these compounds build up in the dermis – the second layer of skin – and destroy collagen, leading to loss of skin elasticity and wrinkles.

According to Dr. Maruthapu, sugar can also cause breakouts for some people.

Instead of sugary snacks, she suggests eating a few squares of dark chocolate, which contains skin-loving antioxidants called anthocyanins that are believed to fight premature skin aging.

Skimmed milk

Skimmed milk is often thought of as the “healthy” option, but it can be the culprit behind breakouts, and while it doesn’t affect everyone, reduced-fat milk can cause spots.

“Some research has shown that skimmed milk may contribute to breakouts, especially if you drink more than two cups a day,” says Dr. Maruthapu. “It’s not a problem for everyone with facial pimples, but it can be a trigger for some.”

Dr. Maruthapu advises those with pimples to switch to skim milk for fortified non-dairy alternatives, such as soy milk, for four weeks to see if they notice any improvement.

Whey protein powder

Although this stuff may help build muscle in the gym, experts say whey protein powder can be a trigger for acne.

This doesn’t apply to everyone, Dr. Maruthapu explains, “but if you’ve noticed an increase in breakouts since you started using whey protein powder, try switching it out with a vegan alternative.”

This is thought to be because whey protein increases production of a hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), which promotes bone and tissue growth.

But IGF-1 can also be a trigger for oily skin in some cases.

And vegan protein powders do not lead to this effect, says Dr. Maruthapu.

Excessive caffeine intake

One or two cups of coffee a day is fine, but if you have a serious coffee addiction, it can affect your skin, because drinking too much caffeine can cause premature skin aging.

“Excess caffeine can contribute to dehydration because it acts as a diuretic, causing you to pass more urine,” Maruthapu explains.

Caffeine can also increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can contribute to eczema flare-ups and breakouts.

According to Dr. Maruthapu, coffee can be swapped out for green tea “as it contains lower levels of caffeine, as well as antioxidant compounds that support skin health by neutralizing free radicals that contribute to premature skin aging.”

#Foods #drinks #damage #skin #accelerate #skin #aging. #Studies #warn



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