5 foods get rid of depression and sadness!

Some may escape from feeling depressed to eating favorite foods, but the danger is that these foods contain harmful sugars or fats.

Therefore, some studies have proven that there are certain types of healthy food that affect the feelings of individuals and help them get out of depression and relieve symptoms of mental disorders, and here are 5 healthy foods that will help you feel happy.

dark chocolate

Some people may not like the taste of dark chocolate, but the benefits of this type of chocolate will definitely make you change your mind. It is full of mood-enhancing elements and substances such as caffeine and theobromine found in the cocoa plant, as well as flavonoids that improve blood flow to the brain and stimulate the secretion of a number of mood-enhancing compounds.

Also, dark chocolate contains less sugar and fat, so it is a better and healthier option.

the banana

This sweet yellow fruit has a positive effect on mental health, as it helps to secrete the so-called happiness hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, and bananas contain a mixture of sugar and fiber, where the fiber works to regulate the flow of sugar in the blood and release it regularly, which helps to stabilize sugar levels .


Oily or fatty fish such as salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and anchovies and herring also contain two types of omega-3s linked to reduced levels of depression: docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. In addition to alleviating depression symptoms, omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on brain health and development.

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Oats are a delicious breakfast treat, with a variety of ways to eat them, from mixing them with milk overnight and eating them in the morning to multi-flavored granola bars. It is a whole grain full of fiber.

One cup of oats weighing 81 grams provides your body with 8 grams of fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels, which improves mood and slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, which helps keep you active and energy for longer.


Coffee of all kinds is the most famous type of beverage in the world. The caffeine in coffee prevents the adenosine compound from binding to brain receptors, and this compound is one of the causes of fatigue and coffee works to reverse its effect to give a feeling of alertness and activity in addition to stimulating the secretion of happy hormones such as dopamine and norepinephrine .

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