5 essentials for healthy weight loss.. Control the amount of exercise and avoid supplementation

Posted by Enas Al-Banna

Friday, February 17, 2023 02:00 PM

Avoiding junk food, eating healthy, and exercising is the story of every person who is deeply concerned regarding their weight loss journey. Weight loss Tough, you have to be in a calorie deficit and weigh yourself regularly to track your progress.

However, many people only care regarding eating salads and overlook other factors, such as the internal health of their bodies, which play an important role in transformation.

according to the site ” OnlyMyHealthTo lose weight healthily, first, a person must be aware of what they want from this shift. So, if you are stuck at the same weight or are unable to lose weight, here are 5 ways to succeed..

1 Know your vision

It is never a good idea to lose weight just because your friends are doing it, the person should be clear regarding their goals and only invest the time if it works for them.

Let’s say you decide to lose 10 kg of weight; The next step is to set a deadline. Finally, you’ll need the right tools, which includes reading regarding and getting to know your body. Remember, transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a long-term period that requires commitment and patience..

2 Take a blood test

When we are in the process of losing weight, we often eliminate food from our diet. Elimination is necessary for transformation, but it can also cause deficiencies in the body. And let’s say you already have a calcium deficiency in your body, and as part of your diet, you stop drinking milk, which can exacerbate the calcium deficiency. So, before you start shifting, do a blood test so you know what your body’s internal health is like, and then you can add or subtract foods accordingly..

3 Avoid supplements

The supplement industry is expanding rapidly, and we often believe that in order to transform, we need one or more supplements. To begin, if a person’s goal is to lose weight, then they can do that naturally too. All they need to do is maintain a calorie deficit. Furthermore, there is no supplement that can help you create a deficit; Without a deficit, you cannot lose weight. In addition, nutritional supplements only work when your lifestyle is healthy. So, first, arrange your diet, then exercise every day, and as soon as you lose a few kilograms, consider supplementation..

4 Keep changing your routine

Sticking to a routine is key to losing weight, but you have to be smart regarding it. When a person follows the same pattern day in and day out, the human body gets used to it and stops progressing. So you should change up your routine every six weeks, or better yet, take a week off in between to break the cycle of adaptation.

5 Control the amount of exercise

No matter how much protein you eat or how nutritious your diet is, if you overdo it, you won’t be able to lose weight. Portion control is not mentioned in any weight loss diet, but it is an important component of cutting calories. Basically, you should Eat on small plates to consume less food, the best way is to follow your hunger and eat no more than 70% of your appetite.



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