5 effective methods to quickly relieve bloating

2023-12-15 18:43:29

Today we’re going to look at 5 major causes of stomach bloating, and what you can do to stop bloating quickly.

Bloating occurs when the gastrointestinal tract fills with gas or air. The stomach is then distended, swollen, painful and tense. You might not think twice regarding it if bloating only happens once in a while. But if you regularly have a bloated stomach, it might be a sign of an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast in your gut.

Abdominal bloating can lead to digestive disorders, allergies, autoimmune dysfunction, and in rare cases, cancer.

Poor diet, increased stress, exposure to toxins, and certain prescription medications are some of the most common triggers for bloating.

Read this article until the end, because we are going to reveal to you the best way to relieve bloating immediately. To get rid of bloating for good, you need to target the root cause and eliminate it.

Let’s look at the 5 main causes of bloating and their natural solutions.

Let’s start with root cause number 5. Low stomach acid.

Having a bloated stomach can be a warning sign of low stomach acid. When the stomach doesn’t produce enough hydrochloric acid, food can sit in the stomach too long without being digested. This allows bacteria to grow. And bad bacteria like H. pylori can cause cramping, belching, heartburn and bloating.

The overgrowth of bacteria prevents the stomach from producing acid. However, it has been found that bad bacteria release toxins that can damage the stomach lining and cause ulcers. They also increase gastric inflammation which can lead to stomach cancer.

If you have low stomach acid, you will have other symptoms such as iron deficiency anemia, nausea, severe fatigue, aversion to certain foods, bad smell, and undigested food in your stools. .

So what are the causes of a lack of stomach acid? Causes include poor diet, eating too fast, antibiotic use, H. pylori infection, and stress.

How do you know if you have low stomach acid? One way is to do a baking soda test. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with 4 to 6 ounces of cold water. As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink this mixture. Do not eat or drink anything else before doing this. Time how long it takes you to burp or belch following drinking the baking soda. If it takes more than 5 minutes, your stomach is probably not producing enough acid.

To stop your bloating, you can use betaine HCL to improve stomach acidity.

Root cause number 4 is poor gallbladder health.

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ located in the upper right part of the abdomen, just below the liver. The main function of this small organ is to release enzymes that help break down dietary fats. To help enzymes digest fats, the gallbladder releases bile.

Bile is a greenish-brown liquid. It is made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder until you eat. It acts as an “emulsifier”. This means that it helps mix fats and water so that the small intestine can absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Bile also helps the body break down sugar and get rid of waste from the liver.

If the tube that carries bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine is blocked, you may experience upper abdominal pain, nausea, gas, and bloating following eating a high-fat meal. Foods high in fat include coconut oil, butter, avocados, eggs, fatty meats and nuts.

If your bloating is due to poor gallbladder health, you can try adding bitter herbs to your diet. Bitter plants help cleanse the liver and improve the functioning of the gallbladder. These include ginger, arugula, endive, coriander, turmeric, dandelion, cumin, fennel, mint, milk thistle, yarrow, leek and parsley.

Next, root cause number 3. Overgrowth of small intestinal bacteria.

Normally, the small intestine does not contain many bacteria. When the small intestine contains too many bacteria that should not be there, it is called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth).

Bad bacteria in the small intestine produce methane and sulfur. This can lead to abdominal bloating, cramping, gas, diarrhea, heartburn, food sensitivities, leaky gut syndrome, and inflammation throughout the body.

Many factors can cause an imbalance in gut bacteria. Taking antibiotics, steroids, or acid-suppressing medications (PPIs) is a common cause of SIBO. Or even lesions and blockages of the intestine, such as scars or diverticula.

A simple way to test for SIBO is to eat a bowl of steamed broccoli and observe how you feel over the next three hours. If you experience bloating, gas, cramps, acid reflux, or other digestive symptoms, it means there are too many bacteria and your pancreas isn’t producing the enzymes needed to break down food in your gut.

The best treatment for bloating caused by SIBO is to eat a low FODMAP diet. Foods high in FODMAPs, such as wheat, lentils, beans, dairy, onions, garlic, artichokes, cabbage, and cauliflower, tend to increase SIBO symptoms, including abdominal bloating.

Root cause number 2 is Candida overgrowth.

If your bloating is often accompanied by mood swings, cognitive impairment, sugar cravings, and fatigue, it may be due to Candida overgrowth. Candida is a type of yeast that lives in the intestinal flora with other microbes. Under normal circumstances, candida should only exist in small amounts to aid digestion and absorption of nutrients.

However, factors such as excess sugar, an inflammatory diet, and toxic overload can cause yeast to multiply beyond what is considered healthy. When this happens, Candida can reach the bloodstream and secrete over 70 different toxins throughout the body. This can lead to liver dysfunction, an overactive immune response, and even the development of cancer.

Common symptoms that signal Candida overgrowth may include: Athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, rashes, mood swings, urinary tract infections, brain fog, autoimmune conditions, seasonal allergies, and lack of health. ‘energy.

To get rid of bloating caused by Candida, you must first control the Candida population and then repair the intestinal lining. Some antifungal and anti-inflammatory foods that are powerful Candida killers include coconut oil, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, ginger, garlic, cloves, cinnamon, lemon, wild salmon and cruciferous vegetables.

The first root cause is food sensitivity.

Abdominal bloating may be one of the first signs of a food sensitivity or intolerance. Other symptoms associated with food sensitivities are often unique to each individual. Keeping a journal of everything you eat, while you’re on an elimination diet, can help you determine your food sensitivities.

The main food allergens responsible for bloating are dairy, wheat, corn, eggs, gluten, soy, shellfish and peanuts.

Every time you eat foods that make you bloated, you’re unknowingly contributing to inflammation in your gut, which can lead to breakouts and autoimmune diseases. Eating inflammatory foods can lead to an imbalance of bacteria like Candida, which can trigger leaky gut syndrome.

To begin an elimination diet to determine the cause of your bloating, remove the following foods from your diet for 2 weeks: Vegetable oils, gluten, dairy, refined sugar, corn, soy, eggs, grains, shellfish, nuts, legumes and nightshade vegetables.

After eliminating these foods for two weeks, start reintroducing them into your diet, one at a time. Try a new food for two or three days. See if you have any symptoms. If so, stop eating the new food.

Generally speaking, stop consuming highly inflammatory foods like gluten, refined sugar, and vegetable oils.

Now let’s talk regarding the best way to get immediate, short-term relief from bloating.

The best way to reduce gas and bloating is to ingest something called activated charcoal. The term “active” means that the coal has been treated with oxygen at very high temperatures to make it more porous.

The extra spaces in the charcoal trap gas molecules, reducing the amount of gas that causes bloating. As with gases, activated charcoal “traps” heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins in the tiny spaces and moves them quickly through the digestive system. This is why doctors use activated charcoal in cases of poisoning or overdose to prevent the body from absorbing harmful substances.

Studies have shown that activated charcoal can effectively reduce symptoms of bloating, cramping, gas, and diarrhea.

When should you take activated charcoal? Activated charcoal should be taken on an empty stomach, with a large glass of water. It is recommended to take it 2 hours following meals, supplements and medications. This is because activated charcoal also absorbs food nutrients, vitamins and minerals. For gas and bloating, you can try taking 500 to 1,000 mg per day.

Be careful, there may be side effects, such as a black tongue, black stools and constipation. Activated charcoal should be taken as needed and is not a long-term solution.

Source: dailyhealthpost.com

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