Running a household is no less than a challenge for a housewife in today’s hyper-inflationary environment, in which case she looks for every means by which she can save.
There are certain dishes that consume a good amount of oil, especially fried items, and it is not wise to dispose of it after one use. It would like to find a way to make it reusable, and not harm health.
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There are many differences in cleaning the oil after frying. But it is final that the level of toxicity in the oil should be reduced.
It is very important to clean the same oil thoroughly before using it again. Here are 5 tips to clean it.
Allow the oil to cool completely, now strain it using a sieve or fine mesh. This will separate any unwanted particles or food particles from the oil, making the oil reusable.
Use flour
Once the oil cools down, mix the flour well so that all the remaining particles are absorbed into it. Now leave it for a few minutes and then strain through a sieve or a clean cloth.
Add lemon
Add lemon slices to the cold oil, to separate the particles from the kotil. Leave it like this for a few hours, then strain it and keep it for further use.
Keep away from light and light
Store the strained oil in an airtight container in a place away from direct sunlight. Keeping it in the light can make a difference in the quality and shelf life of the oil.