I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser:
Many people suffer from vitamin D deficiency in the body, which affects the body in general and causes the emergence of some diseases that often need immediate consultation from a specialist doctor.
In the following report, The Consulto reviews diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency, according to Everydayhealth.
Diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency
1- Depression
The results of some studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased risk of depression, which causes poor mood, fatigue, irritability, and anorexia, which requires getting enough vitamin D, whether from sunlight or taking vitamin D supplements under the supervision of a specialist doctor.
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2- Diabetes
There is a clear relationship between low levels of vitamin D and diabetes, where the deficiency of the vitamin affects insulin sensitivity and resistance and increases inflammation in the body, so people should be careful to eat a healthy diet and get enough vitamin D, to improve blood sugar levels.
3- Prostate cancer
The results of some studies have shown that patients with prostate cancer clearly suffer from vitamin D deficiency, especially with age, so men should be keen to take enough vitamin D to reduce the chances of cancer and death.
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4- Heart disease
Deficiency of vitamin D levels may cause heart disease including atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke, so be careful to eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats and nuts, in addition to exercising regularly.
5- Breast cancer
Vitamin D deficiency is not only associated with prostate cancer, but also causes breast cancer. The lower the levels of the vitamin in the body, the greater the risk of developing breast cancer. Therefore, women, especially young people, should be keen to check the levels of vitamin D in the body and follow up regularly with the specialist doctor.