5 delicious, healthy and easy breakfast ideas to take to work and lose weight | lose weight | fat loss | healthy life | healthy lifestyle | healthy eating | office hours | improve your health | HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

If you are a person with office hoursbut you seek to implement habits healthy eating and lose weight, it is best to manage what you eat and how much to have a balance. One of the important meals during the day is: breakfast because it is essential to start the day off right and to have the necessary energy to face all your activities, but any food is not the right one.

Eating breakfast at work does not have to be synonymous with having a coffee or waiting until lunchtime to eat your first meal, this is very harmful to your health. It is considered that a healthy breakfast and nutritious because it must include foods from each of the three food groups: grains, healthy fats, animal foods, and vegetables or fruits. So the body can stay strong, with higher levels of concentration and energy throughout the morning.

“The importance of eating breakfasts with high nutritional content, since they must provide 25% of nutrients and calories that the body needs in the day”highlighted the public nutrition specialist of the INS, Henry Trujillo. For her part, Karyn Reyna, nutritionist at the Ricardo Palma Clinic, indicated that a good breakfast has to be light and taken within the first two hours after waking up. “You can not fill up on heavy food in the morning, because you will give too much digestion work to the stomach”, he assured.

What nutrients should a healthy breakfast have?

All food must be balanced and with different nutrients that will play a role in our body. Bearing in mind that this meal should represent between 20% and 25% of daily calories, a healthy breakfast should include the following foods:

  • Proteins: It is found in the egg and chicken, you can eat it grilled or boiled. If you want to pamper yourself you can consume, but in a balanced way, turkey ham with or without cheese, without salt.
  • fruits: Help yourself to a small serving (the size of a fist) of chopped or sliced ​​fruit. Prefer those with the highest amount of vitamin C and those with antioxidants, such as: orange, aguaymanto, strawberries and blueberries.
  • Carbohydrates: You can eat whole wheat bread, corn and oatmeal tortillas, it is also possible to opt for ripe plantains, boiled potatoes or cassava.
  • Dairy: Among them is milk, yogurt and cheese (without salt). Eat the ones that are low in fat.

5 healthy and delicious breakfasts to take to work

If you are one of those who does not even have time to sit down for breakfast at home, we leave you 5 breakfasts that you can prepare quickly at home and enjoy more calmly at work. Easy, healthy and quick to prepare.

Yogurt with fruit and chia

  • 200g plain yogurt
  • 1 chopped banana and a handful of strawberries or blueberries.
  • 40 g of chia
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Optional: cinnamon and coconut to sweeten more.

Pancakes with whatever you like

Use 2 corn/rice pancakes and accompany it with cheese (without salt), turkey ham, peanut butter or avocado. Also, consume 10 g of strawberries, blueberries and papaya. This is a rich, healthy and easy-to-carry breakfast.

Bolw with forest fruits

The night before or the same morning, before leaving home for work, take a small container and soak your oatmeal and girl with milk and add berries, take a tupperware container and fill it with berries:

  • 3 tablespoons of oats (60 g approx.)
  • 100 ml of skimmed milk or vegetable drink.
  • 50 g of blueberries, strawberries or raspberries.

Optional: 1 spoon of chia or butter of cacahuete.

Homemade oat bars

This option will serve you for breakfast, as a snack or as a post-workout. It is advisable to consume it, with some piece of fruit, it does not matter apple, pear, banana or whatever you have at home that you like.

  • 200g oats
  • 1/2 cup of honey
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 30g chia seeds
  • 50 g dark chocolate 99% cocoa


Melt the honey and coconut oil for 30 seconds in the microwave (if they need more, put them back in for another 30 seconds). Meanwhile, gather the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Then, wrap a rectangular or square mold with parchment paper to place the mixture below and add the dry ingredients with the honey + oil. Finely, bake it for about 20 minutes, let them cool and cut the bar into pieces.

Omelettes with vegetables and fruit

Beat 2 eggs and add bell peppers, spinach and Chinese onion; a pinch of salt and pepper. Fry it with a splash of oil for 3 minutes per side and accompany it with 2 toasts or whole wheat bread. Eat it together with 1 medium kiwi and a coffee or infusion.


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