5 Characteristic Features of Happy and Fulfilled People: The Science of Emotional Well-Being

2023-10-21 00:29:05

Throughout history, the search for emotional well-being has been a desire that has motivated the actions of all people. Without knowing how to define in words what exactly happiness is, every individual has the need to feel fulfilled, something in which those who have the luck seem to have more luck. 5 characteristic features that define people satisfied with their lives.

[Lo que hace a la gente feliz (de verdad) no es el dinero ni tampoco la fama: este es el secreto, según Harvard]

He happiness profile It was already developed in 2017 by a investigation —to whose proposal other works on the “science of happiness” have also been added in recent years— led by researchers from University College London.

The study, published in the specialized journal Proceedings of National Academy of Sciencesobserved a group of 8,119 men and women with an average age of 66 years and 8 months—the youngest were 52—and yielded the most revealing results.

Keys to the study

Specifically, the research revealed that participants who were characterized by having 5 social skills specific subjects showed higher levels of happiness. It was even observed that these subjects also enjoyed a feeling of Satisfaction with life, strong connections with its environment and a situation economic prosperous.

The investigation, which In addition to age and sex, purchasing power was also taken into account. of those involved, highlights that “the proportion of participants in the highest wealth quintile was positively associated with the number of life skills.”

Meanwhile, those who lacked the competencies highlighted in the study appeared to have a greater likelihood of suffering from depression and social isolation problems.

Researchers describe these qualities as “non-cognitive,” since they are not directly related to intellectual ability. Instead, They are malleable skills that must be cultivated on a daily basis.despite the fact that there are external or genetic factors that may hinder the search for emotional fulfillment.

“These skills are crucial in the first years of life, but our findings indicate that they remain relevant in older ages“, they conclude in this regard. That is, if the formula of happiness really exists, individuals of any generation can strengthen the following qualities in search of greater well-being.

1. Search for stability

Stable individuals are less likely to be swept away by emotional fluctuations and manage to face life’s challenges with greater resilience. This stability, which as far as possible should also occur in the professional field and in daily life, allows one to adapt to unforeseen situations with a positive attitude.

2. Determination to meet objectives

This is a pillar of happiness that allows you to set goals and work to achieve them. Determined people know how to overcome obstacles and stay focused on their goals, which (when done in moderation) leads to a greater sense of personal satisfaction in the long term.

3. Control of emotions

Those who can manage their feelings in a healthy way tend to experience fewer interpersonal conflicts and maintain more satisfying relationships. Self-control also involves relating assertively, setting limits and knowing how to express emotional needs without reserving them, since these accumulate to the detriment of emotional health.

4. Optimism in the face of adversity

Optimistic people tend to see the positive side of situations, focusing on solutions instead of closing down when any problem occurs. This approach not only allows them to deal with stress more effectively, but also improves their emotional well-being and that of those around them.

5. Conscious attitude in life

The conscious or meticulous attitude involves paying full attention to life and day-to-day experiences. Those who adopt this attitude value and appreciate every moment. That is, they practice gratitude, which can also contribute, according to the study, to greater life satisfaction.

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