5 Candidates for KPK Pansel Members Come from the Government – 2024-05-09 10:50:21

Coordinator of the President’s Special Staff, Ari Dwipayana, revealed that from the nine members of the selection committee for KPK leadership candidates (MI/susanto)

Presidential Special Staff COORDINATOR Ari Dwipayana revealed that five of the nine members of the selection committee (pansel) for candidates for leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) came from the government.

“The membership of the panel will total nine people, consisting of five people from government elements and four people from community elements who will be determined through a Presidential Decree,” said Ari in a written statement, Thursday (9/5).

However, Ari has not been able to confirm the names of the prospective panel members.

“The names of prospective members of the KPK committee and Dewas are still being discussed by taking into account the community’s hopes of getting credible and integrity committee members,” said Ari.

Previously, Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno confirmed that the selection of KPK leaders for the 2024-2029 period would still be carried out. This was conveyed in response to questions regarding the KPK leadership selection committee (pansel) which had not yet been formed.

Pratikno said that the government is also considering replacing members of the Indonesian People’s Representative Council (DPR). This is because the selection of KPK leaders also involves the DPR RI.

Members of the DPR for the 2024-2029 period will be inaugurated in early October 2024. Meanwhile, the term of office for the KPK leadership for the 2019-2024 period ends in December 2024. Even though up to now there has been no formation of a selection committee for KPK leaders, Pratikno emphasized that the selection will be completed before the term of office of the leaders of anti-corruption institutions ends. (Z-3)

#Candidates #KPK #Pansel #Members #Government



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