5 best air conditioners to buy

With the arrival of summer, many people start thinking about buying an air conditioner. However, with so many options available on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right model. In this article, we present a list of 5 best air conditioners to buy in 2023. To please Greeks and Trojans, we have chosen a model from each of the leading brands in the market: Daikin, Fujitsu, LG, Gree e Samsung.

Split Daikin Inverter

Split Daikin Inverter

The Split Daikin Inverter is one of the best Dakin air conditioners and consequently one of the best options on the market today. This model specifically is available in two versions: Advance and Advance Plus, with options of 9000 btus, 12000 btus, hot and cold, cold only, among other variations. The difference between the models is small, with emphasis on the Advance Plus control, which has a display that lights up in the dark.

One of its highlights is the low noise, between 19 db and 42 db in the Advance model and between 21 db and 37 db in the Advance Plus, being quieter than other alternatives on the market. As for energy consumption, the basic model has an A-rated energy efficiency, consuming an average of 758 Wh for the 9,000 btu version and 1026 Wh for the 12,000 btu cooling version. The “Plus” models are even more economical, consuming an average of 632 Wh and 1014 Wh for 9000 and 12000 btus, respectively.

Pros ???? Contras ❌
  • Economic
  • Silent
  • Great Build Quality
  • Great Durability

Split Fujitsu Inverter

Split Fujitsu Inverter
Split Fujitsu Inverter

In the world of air conditioners, Fujitsu is compared to a Ferrari, being the dream of many people. Among so many good models, we can highlight the Split Fujitsu Inverter, known for its excellent build quality and durability. The available models are classified A in electrical energy consumption, with a consumption of 1130 W/h for the 12,000 btu model and 740 W/h for the 9,000 btu model, which is common in many inverter splits.

The emission of noise by the evaporator is between 21 and 43 decibels, which is very quiet. However, we must remember that Fujitsu models are the most expensive on the market, and the installation of the device must be carried out by the brand’s authorized technical assistance in order not to lose the warranty, which can be considered a negative point.

Pros ???? Contras ❌
  • Economic
  • Silent
  • best constructive quality
  • Great durability
  • high price
  • Needs specialist installation

Split LG Dual Inverter

Split LG Dual Inverter
Split LG Dual Inverter

In the LG catalog, we highlight the Split LG Dual Inverter air conditioner, a good quality device with superior technology compared to other models of the brand. It has good cooling or heating power and is very quiet, with noise levels ranging from 19 to 39 Db. Also, the Jet Dry function to dehumidify the air works really well. The only disadvantage is that the remote control does not have lighting, which can make it difficult to use it in dark environments, such as in the bedroom at night.

In terms of energy consumption, the model is average, with 815Wh for the 9000 BTU version and 1085Wh for the 12000 BTU version. It is worth mentioning that the compressor warranty is 10 years, which can be an attraction for those looking for a more durable product.

Pros ???? Contras ❌
  • Economic
  • Silent
  • Good quality and durability
  • 10 year compressor warranty
  • control without lighting

Split Gree Inverter

Split Gree Inverter
Split Gree Inverter

For those looking for a model with high energy efficiency and good durability, the Split Gree Inverter air conditioner is a good option. Like all the brand’s models, this product has an A rating in terms of electricity consumption, with metrics of 805Wh in the 9000 btu version. Another positive point is the noise level of 37 db.

The remote control is functional, but without lighting, it can be a negative point for those who will use it at night. In general, the Gree Inverter is a good option for those looking for a model with high energy efficiency and good quality, without having to invest as much as in more expensive models.

Pros ???? Contras ❌
  • Economic
  • Good price among inverter models
  • good durability
  • Few features
  • control without lighting

Split Samsung Max Plus

Split Samsung Max Plus
Split Samsung Max Plus

Samsung, a giant in the smartphone market and other electronics in general, also has its options for air conditioners. The Samsung Max Plus is a good option for those looking for a cost-effective model. Despite being aimed at low cost, it has good quality and energy efficiency, with an A rating for electricity consumption by INMETRO.

The noise level can be a little higher than more advanced models, but Samsung guarantees an average of 27 db to 37 db inside the device. In addition, the 2018 version features the Virus Doctor feature, which promises to eliminate 99% of bacteria, which is an interesting differential for anyone concerned with health and air quality, especially after the covid-19 pandemic.

Pros ???? Contras ❌
  • Affordable price
  • Economical, even without inverter
  • It has an option that eliminates 99% of bacteria

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