4,900 Zambia Churches reach 730,000 people

Gospel on the Move: The Heartwarming Love Zambia Festival

Luis Palau International Love Festival Zambia
Andrew Palau preaching the gospel at the Love Zambia Festival held in Lusaka on September 13-15 | Luis Palau International / Facebook

Welcome to the Love Zambia Festival, where 731,000 people showed up for a great time and to find Jesus—talk about a divine pop concert! In an extraordinary display of Church unity, the Luis Palau Association teamed up with over 4,900 churches—yes, you heard me right! That’s not just a few folks gathering on a Sunday; that’s a whole squad of religious heavyweights gathering in Zambia!

The five-month campaign wasn’t just good vibes and handshakes. They conducted a full-blown takedown of the sin market, featuring everything from local prisons to women’s galas. Can you imagine? “Hey, did you want to go wine tasting or maybe we could visit some inmates and swap life stories over the Gospel instead?” The Mwembeshi Correctional Facility was on the agenda, where Andrew Palau preached to 1,600 inmates, and shockingly, over 1,000 of them said, “Yes, please!” when asked if they’d like to commit their lives to Christ. Not your typical Saturday night entertainment!

Andrew didn’t stop there. He reported a ‘joyful noise’ from the inmates. I mean, who wouldn’t be cheerful when you’re dancing to worship music while sporting a lovely prison jumpsuit? I would call that a unique form of rehabilitation!

And what’s a festival without a proper stage? The climax of this spiritual jamboree was a three-day bash at the National Heroes Stadium from September 13-15, where more than 374,900 eager souls encountered a mélange of musical acts including Don Moen and local star Pompi. What makes it even better? An entire section for kids featuring carnival rides and The Stunt Dudes. Yes, I did just say Christians and stunt performance in one breath. Finally, a church event where the adrenaline equaled the testimonies!

Palau, our headline act preaching nightly, didn’t just deliver an uplifting message; he practically threw down the gauntlet! He challenged every person in the crowd to declare their commitment to Christ, and believe it or not, tens of thousands of local believers were on standby to counsel newcomers. Talk about a well-organized sales event for salvation!

But wait, there’s more! Over 60 partner evangelists showed up from 11 nations, because apparently, the Gospel is a stellar export. With their help, an additional 356,534 souls were reached, and another 66,070 said, “Why the devil not?” and made a commitment!

And let’s not forget about digital evangelism—because if there’s one thing evangelists love more than shouting from pews, it’s ads! The Palau team targeted over 100,000 people online with Gospel ads, and remarkably, 20,000 said they found Jesus while scrolling through Instagram. I’ll chalk that up as some divine algorithm!

All said and done, the numbers are staggering: 731,000 people reached and 240,000 committed to following Jesus. Now, if only I could get that kind of following on social media! But seriously, this isn’t just another festival—it’s a powerful movement showcasing the resilience of faith in a world that often feels devoid of hope.

Commentary: Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of this endeavor! I mean thousands of people literally turning up to hear the Good News while being entertained—who knew salvation could come with a side of rock-n-roll? Talk about a festival that keeps giving. If that’s not marketing at its finest, I don’t know what is! Another perfect example of how faith can bring people together—and hey, if you’re going to reach people, why not do it in style?



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