49. Vienna Municipal Council (3) | City vienna

2024-01-24 12:13:26

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Vienna (OTS/RK) – Maximilian Krauss (FPÖ) say that “Red and Pink” should be “ashamed” of their “miserable” education policy and that the conditions of schools in Vienna are devastating. This is also shown by the admission of the city council for education, which confirmed that many are exceptional students and do not speak German well enough to be graded. The generation raised in Vienna has “no chance” of a future. Furthermore, the violence statistics in Viennese schools are shocking and are leading to a new peak in suspensions. “The performance level in schools is being reduced,” said Krauss. “This is the result of the city government’s uncontrolled, mass immigration. This social immigration must stop and we must stop luring welfare recipients to Vienna,” said Krauss.

GRin Mag. Dolores Bakos, BA (NEOS) reminded, in view of the criticism from previous speakers, what is actually important in this debate. On the one hand, it’s regarding education, but there’s so much more to it. It’s regarding young people and their safety, their chances on the job market and the possibility of a self-fulfilling life. The federal government and the city are responsible for good education policy and solutions to the challenges must also be discussed, especially when problems arise, such as suspensions in schools. “The fact is, anyone who ignores education is paying for it and wasting valuable opportunities for all of us in this society,” Bakos concluded her speech.

StRin Mag. Judith Pühringer (GREEN) emphasized that education is a valuable asset that is crucial for the future. The decisions that are made in the education sector are central to our society. Here it becomes clear whether children and parents are included in a society inclusively or excluded. “The finding here is worrying, as it also shows the significant lack of inclusive care places for children with disabilities,” criticized Pühringer. “There are currently 900 children on a waiting list waiting for an integration place. That’s 900 children too many.” Many schools are left alone to deal with their problems, but education should actually be there for everyone, emphasized Pühringer.

GRin Sabine Keri (ÖVP) criticized that the Neos’ slogans had nothing to do with actual reality. They would like to boast that future opportunities in Vienna have the highest priority. However, around 4,000 children are currently being left behind in Vienna, says Keri. If there is a risk to the child’s well-being, then the City of Vienna and MA11 will take the child from the family and place it in an out-of-home care facility. In Vienna, however, it cannot be guaranteed that these children will feel better followingwards. On the contrary, the crisis centers in Vienna are chronically overcrowded and child removal is not transparent. “Children in particular who have no voice need to be heard more and supported with their concerns and problems,” says Keri.

GR Benjamin Schulz (SPÖ) emphasized how important education and training is for a society. The city of Vienna has been taking the right measures here for several years, such as hot lunches and free all-day schools. There are also positive developments in apprenticeship training, which is continually increasing in Vienna. This shows that the city is doing its homework and is setting the course for the future. “Just last year in June, the city decided on a further package of measures that promotes 70 climate-relevant professions,” said Schulz. “We in Vienna are breaking down educational barriers and relieving the financial burden on apprentices and their families.”

Credit approval for the construction of cycle paths in Vienna 4, Wiedner Hauptstraße (Karlsplatz – Johann-Strauß-Gasse)

GR Anton Mahdalik (FPÖ) emphasized that he would not agree to the cycle path in the fourth district. Because any new cycle paths would be built, massive amounts of parking spaces would be destroyed. “But people with cars pay for the parking spaces and, due to the construction of cycle paths, it is now difficult for them to find a place to park their cars,” says Mahdalik. The construction of the mega cycle highway in the 22nd district also raises problematic questions. Construction will continue towards Kagraner Platz in the spring, and many open issues regarding business owners are still unresolved. Although the detailed plans have been available for some time, business people are not informed regarding the current plans, criticized Mahdalik. The focus is rather on the jubilee press conferences, which emphasize how important cycle paths are for the city. Something similar can also be observed in the Heidjöchl urban development area, where the concerns of local businesses and residents are not taken into account.

GRin Mag. Angelika Pipal-Leixner, MBA (NEOS) explained that in addition to the heat transition in the climate sector, climate-friendly transportation methods are also important and must be promoted. An important factor here is the expansion of the cycling infrastructure in Vienna. “The bike is climate-friendly, takes up much less space than a car and brings movement into everyday life,” says Pipal-Leixner. “It is therefore particularly important for children and young people to get used to this means of transport at an early age.” This is also an investment in the national economy, as cycling also contributes to a higher quality of life. A safe cycle path infrastructure is “essential” and instead of “painting on cycle paths”, the city is investing in high-quality routes. Overall, more is being built than ever before and this is also shown by the high investment sum of 35 million euros last year. “It is particularly nice to see that many exciting projects are currently being built that have been the subject of long-standing arguments and discussions in the past,” emphasized Pipal-Leixner.

GR Kilian Stark (GREEN) noted that the project on Wiedner Hauptstrasse, in addition to its advantages, also had some weak points. On the one hand, it is pleasing that, together with the renewal of the tram tracks, the opportunity is being used to create more cycling infrastructure and that the street can be used continuously by cyclists in the future. On the other hand, it is a “new chicane” that “a hook has to be struck” at the Paulanerkirche, which will lead to a lot of potential for conflict between individual road users in the future. “The cycle path expansion on Wiedner Hauptstrasse is a good project, but we lack the speed of expansion,” says Stark. “In the end, what matters is not how much is built where, but how much comes out.” What was promised to voters in the election campaign is far from being achieved. This is a “deception on the part of the Viennese population”. There is a lack of transparency in the office of the responsible city councilor. A closer look shows that there is often less behind the greenwashing facade. This would also be shown by the new words from the city council office, which emphasized that the capacity limit had been reached and that no construction company might currently be found. At the same time, a construction company might be found to expand the city street, criticized Stark. (cont.) sco

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