48 million “specialized, specialized, and new” enterprises of small, medium and micro enterprises across the country are growing vigorously_Hangzhou Net

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 31. The “Economic Information Daily” published an article on August 31, “The National Small and Medium-sized Micro Enterprises Reach 48 million “Specialized, Specialized and New” Enterprises Growing Strongly. The article said that by the end of 2021, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in the country reached 48 million, an increase of 2.7 times compared with the end of 2012; the average operating income profit margin of industrial small and medium-sized enterprises above designated size in 2021 was 6.2%, 0.9 percentage points higher than that at the end of 2012; the public announcement was completed recently. The number of the fourth batch of specialized and special new “little giant” enterprises exceeds 4,300, and the establishment of a gradient cultivation system for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises is accelerating… A reporter from the Economic Information Daily learned from the press conference of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on August 30 that in the past ten years, my country’s The policy system and service system to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises have been continuously improved, the development environment has been continuously optimized, and small and medium-sized enterprises have shown a rapid and good development trend.

The number of 48 million small and medium-sized enterprises has grown rapidly

In the production workshop of Chengdu First Technology Co., Ltd., the laser TV display production line is in full production every day, and thousands of optical screens are sent to the national market every day. When it comes to the development of the company, Wu Qingfu, vice president of the company, is very confident, and this confidence comes from the “popularity” of the product in the market.

Focusing on the field of optical screen subdivision for more than 20 years, from product design, mold development, to production and manufacturing of the entire industrial chain, First Technology has become one of the two companies in the world that master the core technology of laser TV optical screens. The market share in the display market is stable at around 30%, and the sales volume of enterprises has doubled since the beginning of this year.

“When we started the laser TV screen research and development project more than ten years ago, we were still exploring in ‘no man’s land’. Now in addition to the laser TV optical display, we are entering the smart projection optical screen market.” Wu Qingfu told reporters that the company is building new The factory will be put into production next year, and it is expected to achieve a production capacity of 2 million pieces in the next three years.

SMEs are an important support for my country’s economic resilience and employment resilience. Liang Zhifeng, director of the Small and Medium Enterprises Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at a press conference on August 30 that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country’s small and medium-sized enterprises have shown a rapid and good development trend, and have made important contributions to the overall economic and social development.

Judging from the word “fast”, as of the end of 2021, the number of small, medium and micro enterprises in China has reached 48 million, an increase of 2.7 times compared with the end of 2012; the number of enterprises per 1,000 people in my country is 34.28, which is 3.4 times that at the end of 2012; The number of newly established enterprises was 24,800, which was 3.6 times that of 2012.

Judging from the word “good”, in 2021, the average operating income and profit margin of industrial small and medium-sized enterprises above designated size in my country will be 6.2%, 0.9 percentage points higher than that at the end of 2012, and the quality and efficiency of development will continue to improve. At the same time, the establishment of a gradient cultivation system for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises has been accelerated. At present, more than 40,000 provincial-level specialized, specialized, and new enterprises have been cultivated, 4,762 national-level specialized, specialized, and new “little giant” enterprises, 848 single-sector champion enterprises in manufacturing, and a batch of Small and medium-sized enterprises have become “single champions” and “supporting experts” in subdivision fields, and are an indispensable and important part of the industrial chain supply chain.

Over 4,300 fourth batch of specialized, special and new “little giant” companies completed the public announcement

Specialized, specialized, and new SMEs that are deeply engaged in professional fields are an important force for stimulating innovation and stabilizing the industrial chain and supply chain. At present, the fourth batch of specialized and special new “little giant” enterprises has been publicized, and more than 4,300 enterprises have been included in the list.

The large cold box core making system is the key equipment for the production of large ship engine castings. In the production of ship engine sand cores, the traditional core making processes are all handmade. At present, only a few manufacturers can produce large-scale core-making equipment. In August this year, Suzhou Mingzhi Technology Co., Ltd. relied on digital and intelligent technology to design and manufacture a super-large cold core box core shooting machine with a sand shooting volume of 2,000 liters, which once again broke through the upper limit of core-making equipment.

Increase investment in R&D and digital transformation of production lines, and spend money on the cutting edge – this is the “magic weapon” of Mingzhi Technology’s continuous breakthroughs. “With the high-end development of heavy industries such as ships, the production of large-scale castings also needs to continuously improve the automation and intelligence level of process technology and production equipment.” Wu Qinfang, chairman of the company, told reporters that in the first half of this year, the company invested more than 30 million yuan in research and development, which is more than last year. During the same period, it increased by 105.2%. At the same time, the company will accelerate the technological transformation project of intelligent manufacturing of high-quality castings, and the total investment is expected to exceed 100 million yuan.


A few days ago, Mingzhi Technology entered the public list of the fourth batch of specialized and special new “Little Giant” enterprises. “This makes us very encouraged, and the company has more innovation power.” Wu Qinfang said that in the future, we will further increase investment in research and development, continue to develop high-end large-scale casting equipment for large-scale marine engines and other castings, and strive to improve the level of my country’s foundry industry.

At the press conference on August 30, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology disclosed the characteristics of more than 4,300 public enterprises for the first time: the average R&D expenditure of enterprises accounted for 10.4% of the operating income; the time spent in the sub-sectors was more than 3 years, of which more than 3,000 were more than 10 years old. In the past two years, the average annual operating income of enterprise households has increased by more than 20%, and the growth trend is obvious. “These enterprises are highly innovative, have high R&D investment, high degree of specialization, strong supporting ability, good growth and great development potential.” Liang Zhifeng said.

Broad prospects, combined measures to escort the healthy development of enterprises

The steady development of SMEs is inseparable from the escort of a series of policies. According to Liang Zhifeng, according to incomplete statistics, 33 policies and measures of various types have been issued at the national level since the beginning of this year, and more than 120 supporting policy documents have been issued by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. These policies have played an important role in helping small and medium-sized enterprises to solve their difficulties.

Data released at the meeting showed that in the first half of this year, small and medium-sized enterprises enjoyed nearly 1.8 trillion yuan in new tax reductions and fee reductions, as well as tax rebates and tax deferrals. In 2021, the weighted average interest rate of corporate loans will be 4.61%, and the average tariffs for small and medium-sized enterprises’ broadband and private lines will decrease by 33.4% and 14.8% year-on-year, respectively.

By continuously expanding financing channels, it is more convenient for high-quality SMEs to connect with the capital market. As of the first half of 2022, a total of 388 specialized, special, and new “little giant” companies have been listed on A-shares; the cumulative investment of the National Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund is nearly 30 billion yuan.

“We should take solving the problem of ‘urgency, difficulty and hope’ for enterprises as the starting point and end point, and actively work with relevant departments to promote the implementation of various national policies to benefit enterprises and reduce burdens, and help market players, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, overcome difficulties, recover their vitality, and promote development.” Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Meng Yan, the second-level inspector of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau, said.

Among them, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will promote a more precise connection between industry and finance, and guide financial institutions to further increase support for specialized, specialized, and new SMEs in promoting the alleviation of financing difficulties for small and medium-sized enterprises. Continue to implement the policy of reducing fees and subsidies for financing guarantees for small and micro enterprises. Connect with the multi-level capital market, and support more qualified high-quality SMEs to go public and raise funds.

Looking forward to the future, Liang Zhifeng said that my country’s domestic demand market is huge, the factor guarantee is sufficient, the industrial supporting system is perfect, the new urbanization and rural revitalization still contain huge development space, and the development prospects of small and medium-sized enterprises are even broader. In the next step, we will continue to improve the policy system for benefiting enterprises, strengthen precise services, optimize the development environment, support the entrepreneurship and innovation of the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises, cultivate more specialized and special new enterprises, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises. (Reporter Guo Qian)

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