“45 million against school dropout” –

The Ministry of Education and Merit has published the Notice, intended for non-commercial private secondary schools of the first and second level, for the presentation of projects for the implementation of tutoring and training interventions to reduce gaps in learning and to combat school dropout. The projects will be financed using funds from the PNRR for approximately 45 million euros. Private schools will be able to use the resources that will be assigned to activate personalized mentoring and orientation courses, courses to enhance basic skills, motivation and support, co-curricular training and laboratory courses, activities to be carried out also with the involvement of families. “With this Notice – declares Giuseppe Valditara, Minister of Education and Merit – we continue, also involving private institutes of the national education system, the action to combat territorial gaps and school dropout, with activities aimed at supporting and motivating the most vulnerable students. Our goal – continues Valditara – is to build a school based on the personalization of teaching and orientation, capable of bringing out the talents and potential of each student, without leaving anyone behind”.

We want a more inclusive school. The Valditara project

The projects may be coordinated by a specific team for the prevention of school dropout, in favor of students with learning disabilities, at risk of dropping out or who have interrupted school attendance. The activities may also be carried out in partnership with public and private entities, voluntary and third sector bodies and organizations that carry out training activities for students. The management bodies of the private secondary schools may submit their application on the dedicated ministerial platform, “Futura PNRR”, by September 12, 2024.

#million #school #dropout #Tempo
2024-07-19 02:48:54



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