447 State properties are being put to use

The Greek State, quite literally, seems to “not know what it has”, in terms of real estate stock, but an almost forgotten application, the Real Estate Registry, which was reactivated last October by the Minister of National Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, seems to be the first results and to create a list of properties that can immediately be used by the government as a tool against the housing problem.

In particular, there is talk of a vast database with 365,853 entries, from where obviously not all properties are ready or suitable for use, but the General Secretariat of Public Property of the ministry selected 447 of them and is proceeding with a tender for a technical consultant.


It is reminded that it is not only the Ministry, but also the administration of EFKA that faces a similar challenge. EFKA is the second largest property owner in the country, with more than 60,000 urban properties, i.e. apartments, shops, hotels, which it has collected from insured people who could not pay their debts, a legacy of the Organization mainly from the TEBE, TAE funds and IKA.

Returning to the Ministry, the goal is to advance the utilization of the properties on the list, but also to find more properties that, instead of remaining closed and unused, will be able to contribute to the treatment of an important social problem. We should note that according to the tender announcement, the Real Estate Registry is by no means “perfect”, as many properties were registered more than once, mainly because more than one State agency is involved.

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