44. Vienna Municipal Council (10) | PID Press

2023-11-22 20:31:49

Urgent request from the Green City Hall faction to Mayor Michael Ludwig regarding “real estate transactions in the City of Vienna”

Vienna (OTS/RK) GR David Ellensohn (GREEN) doubted that all mandates understood the reasons for scheduling the urgent inquiry. “I have known regarding the issue since I have been in this house. Cases of speculation in apartments or properties were always described to me as ‘dead horses’. That only helps the right-wing parties, I was told,” said Ellensohn. But his work led to audits by the Court of Auditors and subsequently to further discoveries and tenders. “The progressive side has to work cleanly,” it’s not regarding “ruining” allotment gardeners, but regarding correct, legal, rule-compliant procedures. “The Social Democrats learned new things 20 years ago in the then sole government and only sold land and houses following tendering, and I don’t trust them to take such a step these days,” concluded Ellensohn.

Votes: Three motions from the opposition did not receive the required majority.

After the debate on the urgent question, the meeting continued with the agenda.

Changes to the rules of procedure of the City Council of the City of Vienna

GR Mag. Thomas Reindl (SPÖ) continued his speech, which was interrupted due to the urgent question. The proposed texts of the rules of procedure would also incorporate the previous texts one-to-one into the new regulations and would only be expanded by an addition. “I would ask that the opposition take note of this,” demanded Reindl. The Greens’ request that the mayor check that the new text would correspond to the local council’s rules of procedure was incomprehensible to him, said Reindl, who asked not to agree to this request. There is a proposal from the two government parties regarding the control of the small parties that are not represented in the local council or state parliament. Reindl sought support for this application.

GR Dipl.-Ing. Martin Margulies (GREEN) read the new paragraph under discussion to the plenary session and did not understand the passage that said questions might be asked regarding companies in which the city of Vienna had at least a 50 percent stake. The discrepancy might be easily clarified: “Questions to City Councilor Wiederkehr, for example regarding the Vienna adult education centers, would no longer be permitted under the new regulation,” Margulies suspected and suggested that this clause be deleted by 50 percent and replaced by the corresponding paragraph of the federal constitution. “Withdraw your application, that would be a great signal in the spirit of the common understanding of democracy,” said Margulies in the direction of the two government parties.

Vote: The postal item was approved with a majority vote. The SPÖ-NEOS motion regarding control of small parties not represented in the local council or state parliament was unanimously accepted. The Greens’ motion did not receive the required majority.

Funding to the Association of Viennese Alternative Schools – Free Schools in Vienna

GR Ing. Udo Guggenbichler, MSc (FPÖ) submitted two proposals. “Vienna is being paralyzed by climate activists, by affluent babies who stick themselves somewhere and thus prevent children from getting to school on time or employees from getting to work on time,” said Guggenbichler and submitted the motion to impose higher fines and prison sentences on these “ “Climate adhesive” to be imposed. The second motion he submitted was intended to ensure that students’ participation in climate demonstrations during school hours is banned.

GR Harald Zierfuß (ÖVP) said that “the easiest way is not often the best way for those affected”. Zierfuß was happy regarding the fact that during his time at school he learned “to learn a lot of things quickly in a very short space of time – that helped me a lot in my studies.” That’s why he submitted a motion to maintain grades and performance assessments. A second proposal submitted concerns comprehensive violence prevention throughout Vienna instead of supporting individual projects in schools.

GRin Mag. Bettina Emmerling, MSc (NEOS) said that the present funding is an important step towards equality between denominational and non-denominational private schools. On the subject of the Matura, Emmerling said that it was still useful as proof of achievement, but modernization needed to be discussed. On the subject of violence in schools: There are major challenges that have increased in recent years. When it comes to preventing violence, there is already a comprehensive offer at Viennese schools in the city, such as the Vienna Education Promise or the Vienna Educational Opportunities. Nevertheless, school social work or intervention teams, for example, would be further expanded and suspended children would continue to receive educational support. “But this wealth of measures is definitely not enough, because it is just combating symptoms. In order to get to the fundamental problems, we need democracy education as a school subject for all children in order to find a common compass of values. Because the drifting apart of our values ​​creates extremism,” said Emmerling.

Vote: The postal item was accepted by a majority. All of the opposition’s motions did not receive the required majority. (cont.) nic

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