44 Electron Microscope Images That Bring the Invisible to Life

These electron microscope images show what life is like in the unseen world of viruses, bacteria and pollen – and it’s both surreal and frightening.

The microscopic world is an endlessly fascinating place, and thanks to technological advancements over the past 90 years, we can now see things from incredibly high magnification thanks to these electron microscope photos.

Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) show us the invisible world of microorganisms by combining a variety of signals which are then scanned through a focused beam of high energy electrons spread over a specimen. The electrons scatter and the microscope uses this scattering to recreate an image.

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Such electronic interactions give us information such as the topography, texture, chemical composition and orientation of these materials in the sample.

Combining these information signals into a single image provides a somewhat two-dimensional black-and-white photo; sometimes artificially colored. magnification can range from 10x to 300,000xsome microscopes even scanning up to 500,000x.

Electron microscopes are widely used in science and engineering, and the range of different techniques its users can employ is extremely versatile. Moreover, SEMs have made possible almost every recent advance in the materials science industries – from aerospace and chemicals to electronics and energy consumption.

Images au microscopeImages au microscope

44 breathtaking images of ordinary creatures taken with an electron microscope

History of the scanning electron microscope

Since its invention in 1931 and the launch of its commercial availability in 1965, SEM technology has become a staple of academic research.

Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska of the Technische Hochschule Berlin were the first to overcome the problem of resolution limitations of earlier microscopes. Their early prototypes proved that electron beams could be tamed to provide clearer images in a microscope.

Advances in electronic lens technology have also minimized defects which have resulted in a clearer image. This, in turn, led to greater resolutions. Once electronic technology was in place, electron microscopy would advance through the use of brighter electron guns and improved vacuum systems.

Electron Microscope ImagesElectron Microscope ImagesElectron Microscope Images

ImgurImages taken with a scanning electron microscope help scientists better understand viruses and diseases. Pictured here, however, is a mite.

Once commercialized, scientists working behind the scenes at many well-known companies began tweaking the technology and selling SEMs commercially. RCA was the first in North America to pedal electromagnetic lenses. General Electric tried to compete with them by selling their electrostatic electron microscopes. Philips, Hitachi and Toshiba also played a part in the development process.

All kinds of electron microscopes are coming onto the market; some for beginners and some for people with advanced knowledge. The engineers, of course, wanted to achieve the highest possible resolution. But they had to consider what would sell best to the everyday consumer looking for ease of use.

The ultimate goal of this technology was to eventually achieve resolutions at the atomic level. However, that wouldn’t happen until the 1980s.

Besides looking really cool, SEMs are used in several sectors: medical, industrial and research, to name a few. Microchip production relies heavily on scanning electron microscopes, as does semiconductor inspection.

Medical laboratories use electron microscopes to examine biological and non-biological samples and to identify new viruses and diseases. In addition, SEMs are able to test new vaccines and treatments.

Derwent River Sample AustraliaDerwent River Sample AustraliaDerwent River Sample Australia

Wikimedia CommonsA sample of microorganisms taken from water in the Derwent River in South Australia.

Researchers can even study the detailed structures of tissues and cells at this scale, count individual particles within the samples.

SEMs also help identify early human artifacts and help date historical ruins.

This technology is also useful in controlling soil quality in livestock and agriculture. Electron microscopes identify compositional differences and weathering processes in all kinds of rocks and minerals.

Even the judiciary uses data from electron microscope photos taken in courtrooms. Forensic scientists use SEMs to detect bullet residue, examine bullet marks, identify paint and fiber composition, and even analyze handwriting.

Of course, as these scanning electron microscope photos show, not all uses are strictly practical in nature. Micrographs made by SEMs are sometimes used to create digital artwork. Microscopic materials can become diverse landscapes, both alien and strangely familiar.

After this look at those electron microscope images, check out these 27 jaw-dropping science photos from 2020 you might have missed. Next, learn how researchers determined that the diet of the ancient builders of Stonehenge consisted of parasite-infested meat.

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