43. Vienna Municipal Council (11) | PID Press

2023-10-18 21:01:05

Report of the investigative commission on Wien Energie

Vienna (OTS/RK) GR Mag. Stephan Auer-Stüger (SPÖ) said that in his speech he wanted to “take away the sadness of the work of the UK”. This was above all “important in terms of democratic policy”. He said it was not surprising that five groups had different opinions on the final area. However, for him it is “incomprehensible” how the work of hundreds of hours for the city and the population can be done so badly. Auer-Stüger mentioned the recommendations, which are also part of the report: In any case, it is important to improve communication so that a situation like this no longer happens. He also criticized the Finance Minister, whose statements in the middle of the crisis did not contribute to the objective discussion. Wien Energie is “of central importance” for the SPÖ MP. Therefore, any improvements in the City of Vienna’s investment management will also be evaluated. This recommendation would also be reflected in the report. Auer-Stüger concluded by making it clear that security of supply was “always the top priority” in all actions. Finally, he particularly thanked the employees of Wien Energie.

GRin Mag. Barbara Huemer (GREEN) said that it was important for her group to maintain democratic principles in the interests of transparency. In this respect, the UK was supported by her from the start. However, despite numerous meetings, many questions remained unanswered, said Huemer. According to the Green MP, this is mainly due to the fact that many “can no longer remember”. In addition, it would not have been desirable to “highlight particular points” on certain points. “If the city government is now celebrating, then that is a sad picture,” said Huemer. From her party’s point of view, improvements in terms of transparency are particularly necessary. In her speech, Huemer also criticized the “Findings and Conclusions” section of the report. She misses the commitment to putting crisis management on a new footing. Huemer also did not shy away from criticizing the magistrate’s understanding of the role. The behavior was “presumptuous”. The magistrate is not allowed to decide which evidence is to be released or which files are of no interest. Here Huemer called for “something fundamental to change” in the leadership. Mayor Ludwig also blamed the Green councilor for “irritating behavior”. There were indeed alternatives to the actions taken, she claimed. Returning to “business as usual” is the wrong approach.

In her contribution, GRin Mag. Stefanie Vasold (SPÖ) explained the events that led to the situation in the summer of 2022. The energy crisis was preceded by events such as the Ukraine war and the maintenance of North Stream I. This led to the sudden need for margin payments of unprecedented levels. From Vasold’s point of view, there was “no scope to act”. The aim was to quickly avoid a liquidity bottleneck or to secure liquidity. Nevertheless, all institutions and people involved adhered to clear procedures. According to Vasold, the decision to draw on emergency authority was made correctly in accordance with Section 92 of the city constitution. In any case, a “conscientious examination” of the options took place. Looking back, you can still say that you probably “would have had until the end of August (2022). However, the city’s security of supply ensured this extraordinary situation. But, says Vasold: “Not a cent of tax money was lost.” Regarding emergency competence, the SPÖ local councilor announced a working group.

GR Dr. Peter Sittler (ÖVP) spoke of a “split personality in the SPÖ”. This would arise from their behavior in reality and their behavior in the investigative commission. According to Sittler, in the city government it is “never your own fault”. The SPÖ always has to find someone else to blame, he continued. He himself went into the meetings expecting that files would be delivered. However, that was not the case, criticized the ÖVP local council. Sittler wanted to know from the previous speaker who was meant when people “sat down in working groups”. In the direction of the rapporteur Reindl, Sittler said that it was impossible to know whether everything was legally in order. Because the UK mightn’t investigate that. He also took a critical look at the role of the magistrate. You have to think regarding the functions, Sittler demanded. In addition, there was a right to give instructions that either the city council or the mayor might have exercised – even by telephone. Sittler also said that of the requests for evidence submitted in the UK, only around a quarter had been provided. This would lead the system “ad absurdum”. The electronic file was also incomplete or incorrect. He also identified a “lack of transparency” – also in the direction of NEOS.

GRin Mag. Mag. Pia Maria Wieninger (SPÖ) wanted to “focus on the facts once more” in her speech. She also addressed the individual points that occurred in the summer of 2022. The chances of something like this happening are equal to those of a meteorite impact. The two emergency powers in the city were carefully examined and these were quickly drawn upon. Wieninger also mentioned the paragraph in the city constitution that justifies this action. According to the local councilor, the UK has not found any errors. The focus has always been on supplying two million people with energy. On the other hand, Wieninger denounced that the Finance Minister had “changed political loose change” with his statements and at the same time alienated more than two million people. The conclusion of the meetings was that crisis communication needed to be improved. In addition, the term “immediately” needs to be “clarified” with regard to emergency competence for the future, concluded Wieninger.

For GR Dipl.-Ing. According to Martin Margulies (GREENS), “social democracy has met expectations in the UK”. Because important documents “simply weren’t delivered,” he said ironically. “The majority is always right,” says Margulies. According to him, nothing might happen in such investigative commissions; this would also apply to future investigations into allotment gardens, for example, he suspected. According to the Green local council, the 255 pages of the report might have been shortened to “Woa nothing”. He claimed that Wien Energie – and everyone involved – knew at all times that it would be saved. The first peak on the electricity and gas market was in autumn 2021. The important representatives already knew what was happening. Margulies therefore also criticized what he saw as the late action of the city and the mayor. Even when things got really tough, officers were sent forward. The federal government intervened within hours. “Wien Energie was never really in danger,” said Marguelies. (cont.) kri

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