43 Bullet Holes: The Harrowing Aftermath of the Chisec Union Leader’s Attack


Authorities are investigating the death of René Sucup Morán, a member of the teachers’ union who was shot on Friday, September 6.

Chisec-Alta-Verapaz.jpeg?quality=52″ class=”note-normal-container__second-new-img d-block wp-post-image” alt=”Armed attack on trade unionist in Chisec Alta Verapaz” srcset=”https://www.prensalibre.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/ataque-armado-sindicalista-en-Chisec-Alta-Verapaz.jpeg 1600w, https://www.prensalibre.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/ataque-armado-sindicalista-en-Chisec-Alta-Verapaz.jpeg?resize=300,169 300w, https://www.prensalibre.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/ataque-armado-sindicalista-en-Chisec-Alta-Verapaz.jpeg?resize=768,432 768w, https://www.prensalibre.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/ataque-armado-sindicalista-en-Chisec-Alta-Verapaz.jpeg?resize=1024,576 1024w, https://www.prensalibre.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/ataque-armado-sindicalista-en-Chisec-Alta-Verapaz.jpeg?resize=1536,864 1536w, https://www.prensalibre.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/ataque-armado-sindicalista-en-Chisec-Alta-Verapaz.jpeg?resize=235,132 235w, https://www.prensalibre.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/ataque-armado-sindicalista-en-Chisec-Alta-Verapaz.jpeg?resize=150,84 150w” sizes=”(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px”/>

(Photo: Prensa Libre: Facebook)


The Municipal Prosecutor’s Office of Chisec confirmed this Sunday, September 8, that it is investigating a armed attack against Rene Sucup Moran, who was a union member of the teachers’ union and was shot last Friday, September 6.

The fiscal staff and criminal investigation technicians processed the crime scene and located 43 ballistic clues.

The prosecution said it is working on several lines of investigation with the aim of establishing the motive behind the attack.

According to a statement, Sucup Morán, 35 years old and a member of the Guatemalan Education Workers Union (STEG)was attacked with a firearm and He received 12 shots in the head in Chiquibul, Chisec, Alta Verapaz.

Local media reported that Sucup was in a local shop moments before the attack.

The motive for the attack is unknown, although an increase in violent incidents in the region has been reported.

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Hours after the attack on Sucup, another altercation involving three people was reported. Reports suggest a increase in drug dealing in the area.

The Guatemalan Education Workers Union (STEG) lamented the death of Sucup, stressing that for months they have been reporting threats against their members.

In a statement on social media, STEG said: “Today they will justify the death of our colleague with any excuse, but in reality that is the risk that is run in defending the interests of the Organized Teachers, Collective Bargaining and Public Education in the country.”

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security have also posted their condolences on social media, expressing their sorrow for the loss of the leader.

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#bullet #holes #scene #deadly #attack #union #leader #Chisec

What measures are the Guatemalan authorities taking to ‌ensure justice for the assassination of René Sucup Morán in light of the reported threats against teachers’ union members?

Justice Delayed: Investigation into the Assassination of René Sucup Morán, a Guatemalan Teachers’ Union Leader

The Guatemalan authorities have launched an investigation into the assassination ​of René Sucup Morán, a 35-year-old teacher and member ‌of ‌the Guatemalan Education Workers Union (STEG), ⁢who was shot and killed on Friday, September 6, in Chisec, Alta Verapaz [[1]]. The incident has sent shockwaves throughout the education community, with many calling for justice and an end to the senseless violence that has plagued the region.

According to reports, Sucup Morán was⁤ attacked with a firearm and received 12 shots to the head in Chiquibul, Chisec, Alta Verapaz [[2]]. The motive behind the attack is still unknown, but local media has reported an increase in violent incidents‌ in the region, including drug dealing and other criminal activity.

The Guatemalan Education Workers Union (STEG)‌ has lamented the ​death of‍ Sucup Morán, stating that for months they have been reporting threats against their members [[3]]. In a statement, the union expressed outrage‍ and frustration, saying that “today they will justify the​ death of our colleague with any

Here are some PAA-related questions for the title “Justice for Assassinated Guatemalan Union Leaders: A Call to Action”:

Justice for Assassinated Guatemalan Union Leaders: A Call to Action

The recent assassination of René Sucup Morán, a 35-year-old member of the teachers’ union, has sent shockwaves throughout Guatemala and the international community. This brutal attack is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by trade unionists and labor activists in Guatemala, where violence and intimidation are commonplace. In this article, we will explore the measures being taken by the Guatemalan authorities to ensure justice for Sucup Morán and other victims of union-related violence.

What measures are the Guatemalan authorities taking to ensure justice for the assassination of René Sucup Morán in light of the reported threats against teachers’ union members?

The Municipal Prosecutor’s Office of Chisec has confirmed that it is investigating the armed attack against Sucup Morán, who was shot on Friday, September 6. The fiscal staff and criminal investigation technicians have processed the crime scene and located 43 ballistic clues. The prosecution is working on several lines of investigation to establish the motive behind the attack.

Unfortunately, Sucup Morán’s assassination is not an isolated incident. Guatemala has a long history of violence against trade unionists and labor activists. In 2016, Guatemalan union leader Estrada Tambito was shot five times and killed in Guatemala City [[2]]. The ITUC roundly condemned the assassination, stating that it was a “cowardly act” [[3]]. More recently, on June 15, 2024, Guatemalan union leader Anastacio Tzib Caal was murdered in Villa Canales, outside of Guatemala City [[1]].

A Pattern of Violence and Intimidation

The frequency and brutality of these attacks demonstrate a pattern of violence and intimidation against trade unionists and labor activists in Guatemala. These attacks not only target individuals but also seek to silence and intimidate entire communities of workers who are fighting for their rights.

International Community: A Call to Action

The international community must condemn these attacks and demand that the Guatemalan authorities take concrete steps to protect trade unionists and labor activists. Labour rights organizations, such as the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), must continue to pressure the Guatemalan government to ensure that those responsible for these crimes are held accountable.




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