42 new jersey numbers … Giants announce at once on an unusual scale Kajitani “005”, Okoye “50” | Full-Count

The training contract of the performance group continued, now off, coaches continue to change, and on a large scale

On the 14th, the giants announced the addition and change of uniform numbers for the next season all at once. With 10 coaches, 17 pitchers, 1 catcher, 5 infielders, and 9 outfielders, a total of 42 players have new uniform numbers. Outfielder Rui Okoye, who was acquired from Rakuten in an active draft, will be changed to “50”, and outfielder Takayuki Kajitani, who will restart as a training contract, will be changed from “13” to “005”.

Among the coaches, Hiroshi Okubo, the former 1st Army batting chief coach who has returned since 1995 when he was active, is “88”, and Naohiro Suzuki, who is returning for the first time in 4 years. It was decided to be the same “82”.

In addition, itaru Hashimoto, who returns to the field from public relations, is the 2nd Army outfield defense and hitting coach “87”. Coach Michihiro Ogasawara, who is newly in charge of the 3rd army, changed from “72” to “100”. Coach Ryota Wakiya, who will be in charge of the 3rd army infield defense from the scout, will be “104”.

In terms of players, a large number of changes in players who become training contracts stand out. In addition to Kajitani’s 005, pitcher Yuki Takahashi will change from “47” to “012”, pitcher Ryuta Hirauchi will change from “11” to “019”, and outfielder Soichiro Tateoka will change from “39” to “039”.

As already announced, outfielder Hisayoshi Nagano, who transferred from Hiroshima, is the same number as when he was last enrolled. Infielder Nobuhiro Matsuda, who transferred from Softbank, is “23”. And Okoye, who was transferred in the active draft, held a press conference on this day and announced that he would be “50”.

[Table]“Unusual” changes announced for a total of 42 people!Giant’s changed jersey number list



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