41 Killed from 199 Accidents During Eid – 2024-04-13 18:58:20

41 Killed from 199 Accidents During Eid
 – 2024-04-13 18:58:20
Illustration – The National Police recorded that 199 traffic accidents occurred throughout Indonesia on Wednesday (10/4).(Antara)

POLRI recorded that 199 traffic accidents occurred throughout Indonesia, during Idul Fitri, Wednesday (10/4).

“Traffic accident data on Wednesday, April 10 2024, was 199 incidents with details of 41 people dying,” said National Police Public Relations Division spokesperson, Commissioner Harry Goldenhardt, in a written statement, Thursday (11/4).

Harry said the accident also resulted in 41 people seriously injured and 271 people lightly injured. With material losses amounting to IDR 554,800,000.

Apart from that, Harry said that 21,609 vehicles were recorded as having committed traffic violations on the day of Eid, Wednesday, April 10 2024. In detail, 21,455 were given warnings and 154 were ticketed using electronic ticketing cameras or e-TLE.

Meanwhile, regarding the security and public order (kamtibmas) situation on Wednesday, April 10 2024, it is generally said to be safe, orderly and under control. There were 651 cases of criminal security and social security disturbances recorded.

“There were 2 violations, 8 disasters, 28 disturbances to peace,” he said. (Z-3)

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