41-hectare solar park east of Chillán approved – La Discusión 2024-04-21 18:44:06

The Ñuble Environmental Assessment Commission approved the El Cachudito Photovoltaic Park project, which will be located on an area of ​​41.4 hectares of land with agricultural suitability, on the Camino a San Bernardo, in the Oriente sector of Chillán.

According to the environmental impact declaration (DIA) presented to the SEA on February 14, 2023 by its owner, PFV El Cachudito SpA – linked to Oenergy -, the project will represent an investment of US$66 million and during its construction, which It will last 14 months and will require an average workforce of 20 workers, with a peak of 40.

The project consists of the construction and operation of a photovoltaic park with an installed power of 24 MW, through the installation of 36,924 panels, composed of 6 generation units, which will inject a power of 9 MW day and night, detailed the aforementioned DIA. . The project also considers an energy storage system (batteries) and a 1.3 kilometer evacuation line.


The environmental evaluation process was extended for 12 months, during which the owner had to respond and correct the observations of the Highway Department, the departments of Environment, Health, Public Works, Social Development and Agriculture, Sernageomin, DGA, SAG, Council of National Monuments, Conadi, the Municipality of Chillán and the Regional Government, through two addendums.

Thus, the complementary addendum only received observations from Agriculture, regarding voluntary environmental commitments regarding soil improvement, as compensation for temporary loss of use. However, the SEA recommended approving the project.


The Minister of Energy, Dennis Rivas Oviedo, highlighted the approval and stated that, “the development of generation projects using renewable energy contributes to the process of decarbonization of the energy matrix. In addition, it represents an important investment, generating jobs for the local community during the execution of the works.”

Currently, the Region has a total of 39 generating plants in operation, with an installed capacity of 254 MW; of which 82.8% correspond to renewable energies (solar, hydraulic and biomass) and 7.2% to diesel backup plants.

In detail, there are 30 photovoltaic parks, two mini hydroelectric plants, three biomass plants and four diesel plants.

To the 30 photovoltaic parks in operation – which total 132.9 MW of gross power, which is equivalent to 51% of the regional installed capacity – another four under construction must be added (Pellín, Ciprés, Peumo and Guindo Santo), of 9 MW of power each, which is expected to begin operating during this year.

AdemFurthermore, there are more than a dozen projects approved or in environmental evaluation, which are characterized by being larger and, three of them (FV Aldea, FV Ñuble and Sol del Sur), incorporated energy storage centers in their designs, allowing you to shift your generation curves by providing energy to the electrical system even in hours when the solar resource is not present, that is say, during the night.

#41hectare #solar #park #east #Chillán #approved #Discusión



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