400 million Twitter accounts, emulated iPhone OS, Meta checkout,..

Episode 382 with David and Sebastien S..

Summary :

• A for Apple (00:02:05) :
The A16 Bionic processor would have been castrated? The A16 processor of the iphone 14 pro would have been cut off from a lot of advanced features. (source)

• C like Cambridge Analytica (00:08:02) :
When Meta pays to bury the scandal. Meta is paying $725m to close the Cambridge Analytica complaint. (source, source)

• H like Huawei (00:15:39) :
Huawei prepares for <7nm technology. Huawei is preparing EUV scanners to produce <7nm technology chips. (source)

• I like iPhone (00:18:40) :
When we emulate iPhone OS 1.0. A developer managed to run iOS 1.0 on QEMU. (source, source)

• L for LastPass (00:27:11) :
Eventually the password vaults were stolen. LastPass eventually admits that the password vaults were indeed stolen. (source, source)

• S comme Stockholm (00:39:13) :
When citizens take over. An app created by the city of Stockholm is redeveloped in open source. (source, source)

• T for Twitter (00:46:38) :
400 million user accounts have been stolen. A hacker claims to have stolen the personal data of 400 million Twitter users. (source)

• Z comme Zero-Day (00:55:30) :
When we discover a flaw in Linux. A Zero Day flaw discovered in the . (source)

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