4 Worker Diseases That May Be Unconscious | Hfocus.org Health Insights

Did you know? The average worker spends 8-10 hours a day in the office. In a month, that’s roughly 200 hours in the office. In a year, we spend as much as 2,400 hours at work.


This doesn’t even count that some people bring their work home to do as well. You can say that we spend most of our lives going to work. “Work hard, stop at the ICU” is a funny familiar phrase. But if you think regarding it in real life, it would be something that haunts people who work like us. And in order not to know when it’s late, we have compiled 4 diseases of workers that may be unconscious to check the initial symptoms.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

For most workers who have to work with their hands. Often have diseases caused by the use of hands to touch in work.

Group to watch out for: People who use computers for work. or people who use heavy wrists

Note: Often there is numbness. or pain in the fingers, palms, spreading to the shoulders It usually occurs when the wrist is heavily used, causing the hand muscles to weaken. unable to hold hands tightly

Cause: Regular use of the wrist in the same position. Heavy wrist use, such as when typing on a keyboard or when controlling the mouse with the wrist having friction with the table surface all the time

Prevention and treatment: if symptoms are mild. Initially, try changing your hand behavior. Try to find a device that supports it. or make a hot compress Massage the fascia that presses on the nerve. stretching the nerve But if the symptoms begin to get worse, you may need to see a doctor for treatment.


2. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

It often happens to people working through the screen of various electronic devices, whether they are computers, tablets or even mobile phones. which work that requires keeping an eye on these things for a long time often cause problems

Group to watch out for: People who have to work in front of a computer screen for more than 2 hours in a row.

Points to note: Eyes tired, dry eyes, burning sensation, and eyes can’t fight the light. including the eyes unable to focus Headaches, neck and shoulder pain may also occur.

Cause: Using a computer with too much screen brightness. Looking at the computer screen at close distances and for long periods of time without resting my eyes including looking at the computer screen at a level that is not suitable for eye level

Prevention and treatment: You should rest your eyes often and blink your eyes regularly. as well as adjusting the brightness of the light on the computer screen to an appropriate level and the screen level to suit the eye level is that the center of the screen should be 4-5 inches below eye level or 15 – 20 degrees and should be placed 20-28 inches away from the eyes


3. Degenerative cervical disc disease

Sitting for long periods of time for working people Often cause diseases related to the neck and back. By this disease, office workers are often the same.

Group to watch out for: People who have to sit at work for long periods of time. or people who have a habit of twisting their necks, turning their necks

Points to note: Pain in the neck, shoulders and shoulders. Sometimes there may be joint pain that makes the symptoms worse and spreads to press on the nerves. causing pain to spread to the arm onset of numbness muscle weakness And if pressing on the blood vessels that supply the brain will cause headaches, eye pain and a feeling of spinning.

Causes: Abnormal behavior of neck and back muscles, such as neck twisting, sitting down for extended periods of time without any movement.

Prevention and treatment: If you have to sit at work for a long time, try changing your behavior by doing frequent stretching. Do not tilt your head down and read for a long time as this will make the neck muscles work harder than usual. The book should be raised at eye level. In people with mild symptoms can be treated with medication. do physical therapy or treatment using high frequency radio waves (Nucleoplasty)


4. Attention Deficit Trait (ADT)

The work that requires the brain to think is almost always. May cause diseases related to mental and brain conditions

Group to watch out for: Everyone

Landmarks: Inability to focus for long periods of time, low patience, analytical and problem solving abilities, creativity, time management, and prioritization are reduced, and symptoms of stress, anxiety, and problems persist. All the time without expressing it. Cause: The work environment is stressful, hectic, responsible for work, stressful conditions, coupled with a fast-paced life that has to do everything to compete with time.

Prevention and treatment: rest or find ways to relax. May change posture if you feel like working continuously for a long time and should interact with those around them including trying to prioritize Allocate time to work appropriately. However, if you don’t feel better, try talking to a psychiatrist.


Working hard is a good thing. But taking care of your health is equally important. Don’t work on habit and neglecting the various symptoms that may occur because if we look at it as normal What may be followed is the deterioration of the body and mind. leading to various diseases that may cost money and waste time in treatment So give yourself some time to explore your physical abnormalities. to know that our bodies have begun to signal what before everything is too late

Source: Village Doctor Foundation



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