4 ways to eat fruit, breakfast, lunch, dinner, when should you eat fruit?

Eating fruit that is useful. If you eat at the right time, it will have even more positive effects on your body! Today we have 4 how to eat fruitLet’s introduce in the morning, lunch, and evening, what fruit should we eat each time? Let’s see!

how to eat fruit

1. Morning

Eating fruit in the morning will help keep us energized throughout the day. It is advisable to choose to eat a variety of fruits. Good morning fruits include pineapples, cherries, kiwis, strawberries, and apples. Pineapple and cherries have anti-inflammatory properties. helps control blood pressure and can help reduce heart disease The kiwi contributes to boosting the immune system. while apple If eaten in the morning, it will help detox and reduce belly fat very well.

2. During the day

for daytime During this time we can eat sweet fruits. with sugar After all, the sugar in fruit is considered natural sugar. And during this time, our body will want to increase the blood sugar level in order to digest food. Especially fruits like bananas and mangos. which is considered a source of sugar and energy Eat and make us feel tired in the followingnoon.

3. Pre-workout

Who usually exercises in the evening It is recommended to eat fruits before exercise such as apples, oranges and pears as these fruits are good for pre-workout. Eat and provide energy immediately before exercise. The exercise, but we all need energy. Therefore, it is advisable to eat fruits that will give you energy.

4. Evening

for dinner Don’t forget to add fruit to your meals. especially fruits such as pineapples, avocados and kiwis, which are considered good in the evening, by recommending eating 2-3 hours before going to bed will help us relax, sleep easier and more comfortable, but You shouldn’t eat and go to bed right away. Because it will increase blood sugar levels!

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