4 Venezuelan private universities among the best in Latin America

Caracas.- Four Venezuelan private universities are among the best in Latin America, according to the QS Latin America University Rankings 2023 presented by the British firm Quacquarelli Symonds hours ago at the “QS Higher Ed Summit: Americas” held at Vila Velha University in Brazil, an event that brought together representatives of universities from all over the continent to discuss and share information on the challenges and opportunities that institutions in the region have to improve the quality of the education they provide.

The Andrés Bello Catholic University, the Metropolitan University, the Technological University of the Center and the Rafael Belloso Chacín University, which were selected, stand out for their performance in indicators such as Reputation among Employers and Academic Reputation.

Among the public ones, the UCV, the USB, the ULA and LUZ stand out in Rankins 2023.
Interviewed in this regard, the rector of UNITEC, Luis Eduardo Martínez congratulated his peers for the outstanding results obtained despite so many difficulties they face. “It is a demonstration of Venezuelan talent and commitment,” he said, “and as far as the Technological University of the Center is concerned, our joy and pride is great.”

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