4 tips for building or renovating sustainably in the Alpes-Maritimes and Var

2023-11-05 19:00:00

Do you also want to get started with eco-housing? Architect Bruno Bazire, from the Var Eco-bâtissons association, provides valuable advice.

#1 Know local materials

Wheat strawCamargue rice, rice husk (the husk of the grain), raw earth… “Several resources are available locally. We are also starting to have wood, from local forests, certified for building”he explains.

#2 Do things in the right order

“There is no point, for example, in installing a heat pump before renovating. Because by better insulating from the outside, it will have every chance of having too much power”, warns Bruno Bazire. To obtain support for renovation, dedicated services exist.

In the Alpes-Maritimescontact the Confort Energie one-stop shop of the Departmental Council on 08 00 03 70 16 or by email: confortenergie06@departement06.fr.

In the Var, several intelligence spaces exist depending on the territory. To obtain the contact details of the one near you, simply enter your postal code on the France rénov government website‘.

#3 Train to participate

Individuals, craftsmen, architects… The Eco-bâtissons association has a training center in Grasse, in partnership with the Tétris cooperative society. Water recovery, sanitation, renewable energies, straw construction… “We are much more autonomous in our project when we understand everything.” More information on internships and training ici.

#4 Surround yourself well

Are you already at work? The Twiza website connects citizens and professionals to co-build in an ecological way. It’s also full of useful resources, as well as a directory of professionals.

For even more local information on eco-construction: contact the Eco-bâtissons association on 07 68 78 71 61 or by email (contact@ecobatissons.com). Find many useful resources as well as a list of local craftsmen engaged in eco-construction on the association’s website.

#tips #building #renovating #sustainably #AlpesMaritimes #Var



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