4 solutions to improve vaginal lubrication – Featured

2023-05-04 15:22:02

04 May 2023

For various reasons, including menopause, excessive cleaning or certain medications, vaginal dryness can set in. Here are some tips to fight once morest this drying out which weighs on the quality of life.

Discomfort, sensitivity, pain during penetration and more itching… Vaginal dryness degrades the quality of life of women who suffer from it. However, this condition is not uncommon since it can be caused by many factors. Among them, menopause, childbirth, breastfeeding as well as hormonal contraception promote vaginal dryness due to their hormonal impact. Indeed, the lubrication of the vagina is maintained thanks to the production of estrogen, which varies enormously according to the phases of a woman’s life. Other more medical causes such as taking antidepressants, antihistamines, chemotherapy or even diabetes can also come into play. However, excessive hygiene unbalances the local flora and dries out the vagina and vulva.

So what if you suffer from it? First of all, it is recommended to consult a doctor. He can try to identify the cause. And so treat if possible. For example, if it is excessive hygiene, a change in habits might simply improve the situation. In other cases, however, the answer is not so simple. However, there are various solutions to this localized drying out. Here are a few :

Local solutions. Many gels and creams moisturize the mucosa by maintaining a physiological acid pH. These solutions remain specific, in particular to reduce sexual discomfort. For longer lasting results and also to preserve the quality of the vaginal tissues, you can opt for estrogens in the form of creams, ovules, rings… Even if they can generate “other drawbacks such as uncomfortable white discharge”, also indicates the gynecologist Olivier Marpeau on his website.

laser or radiofrequency. These interventions carried out by a doctor “create a local temperature rise in the vaginal mucosa and in the underlying tissue called the chorion”, explains Dr. Olivier Chevallier, gynecologist in Paris, on his website. “ This elevation leads to a remodeling of the mucosa and, in the chorion, an increase in vascularization which itself stimulates secretions and therefore lubrication as well as the awakening of fibroblasts and therefore the synthesis of collagen. » It’s a good alternative “in women who have been postmenopausal for a long time or who are tired of using topical medication”.

Extracorporeal shock waves. « The effects targeted by this technique are the same as with radiofrequencies (increased blood circulation; stimulation of fibroblasts) but without raising the temperature of the treated tissues”can we read on the site of Erwann Le Rumeur, physiotherapist in Paris on his website. “This time it’s a wave hitting the tissues to provoke a defense reaction to this constraint. »

Targeted bodybuilding. “Studies have demonstrated the interest of perineal contraction exercises in the treatment of vaginal atrophy, which are simple to set up and integrate into the hygiene of daily life”, explains Erwann Le Rumeur. “These exercises will improve the blood circulation of the whole area, which helps to better nourish the tissues. » A perineal rehabilitation accompanied by a physiotherapist makes it possible to “guide in learning and mastering these exercises in case of vaginal dryness”.

  • Source : website of Dr Olivier Chevallier, gynecologist in Paris – website of Dr Olivier Marpeau, gynecologist in Aix en Provence – website of Erwann Le Rumeur, physiotherapist in Paris

  • Written by : Dominique Salomon – Edited by: Emmanuel Ducreuzet

#solutions #improve #vaginal #lubrication #Featured



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