4 out of 10 users still can’t install Windows 11 because of system requirements

Many users still do not have a PC equipped with the configuration required by Microsoft to be able to install Windows 11. According to Lansweeper, 40% of them do not have an eligible machine, a finding that is particularly true within companies. . Nevertheless, we note an increased adoption rate compared to the beginning of the year.

Credits: Microsoft

That some users do not wish to pass on Windows 11, well, it’s one thing. But that others, on the contrary, would like to be able to switch to the new operating system, but that Microsoft’s system requirements prevent them from doing so, is another matter. In effect, the famous TPM 2.0 chip required on the motherboard of the PC which had caused a lot of ink to flow at the release of the continuous OS to exclude many people.

The Lansweeper organization claims that 42.76% of PCs are not equipped with a compatible processor with the operating system. We note all the same a clear improvement compared to last year, where the latter represented 57.26% of the machines tested at the time. Among these, 71.5% do not have the required amount of RAM, while 14.66% do not have the TPM chip.

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42% of PCs worldwide cannot install Windows 11

As one might expect, the carnage is noticed above all within companies, who are reluctant to renew their equipment. According to a study by IDC, they take an average of 18 months to adopt a new OS – if they want to adopt it. Nevertheless, there exists “wider issues affecting adoption that are beyond Microsoft’s control”according to Roel Decneut, director of strategy at Lansweeper.

“The disruption in the global supply chain has created a shortage of processors, while many are choosing to stick with the hardware they have at the moment due to global financial uncertainty”, explains the latter. Despite everything, it should be noted that the adoption rate is on the rise, reaching 1.44% last April, against 0.25% in January. We bet that within a few months, once the fleet of machines has been renewed, these figures will finally be able to explode.

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