If we talk regarding gurus or experts in cleanliness and order, we cannot forget the name of Marie Kondo. The Japanese writer and businesswoman has developed a very complete method to order the home that has captivated many people, so much so that many are beginning to apply it.
The guidelines of this home organization technique They are found in his best-selling book: “The magic of order: tools to order your house… and your life”. The steps are more than clear in this title, but even so, some commit errors that prevent applying this method successfully. Discover them below so that the same does not happen to you!
Common mistakes in the application of the Marie Kondo method
This practical as well as complete method, also called Konmari, It has very specific rules that must be respected.. The moment we skip one or more of them, we can run the risk of not getting one iota closer to the desired results. That said, these are the most common mistakes that people who want to apply it sometimes make:
Not separating our possessions by categories
Marie Kondo is very clear in this regard. For her, categories are the most basic part of your method. If we do not classify our objects, be they of value or more from day to day, in different groups according to their importance, we will end up leaving everything anywherewhich, far from solving it, will aggravate the problem of clutter in our home.
for Kondo, the categories must correspond to the levels of importance that we assign to each thing that we own in our house. Obviously, a letter with a high sentimental value is not the same as an old purchase receipt that we forgot to recycle at the time. Mixtures like this can not occur in any case.
Stay half in the organization of your home
The Marie Kondo method is very effective, but also very radical, especially for people who are not used to following an order that takes into account all the details. For this reason, if you want to apply it in your home, you must do it at once and without stopping, and in the shortest time possible.
The Japanese businesswoman has commented on more than one occasion that none of his clients have returned to the mess following applying his technique. However, this order that we achieve is perceived if we work piecework and without stopping. If we go little by little, we will not see the results so quickly and we can get stressed or overwhelmed.
Allow others to give their opinion of your organizational criteria
Maybe you find yourself tidying the house like Marie Kondo, classifying your personal belongings into categories, when all of a sudden, your father or your mother enters the room in which you are and begins to question everything: “Are you really going to get rid of this? You can’t throw this away! Do you know what this cost?
What is most likely to happen to you is that you feel guilty for having thought regarding throwing away certain things, but you should not get carried away by these emotions. If you decided to throw them away, it is because they had no real value for you. The Konmari method is very reflective and introspectiveso you should not feel bad regarding discarding some things, as it will be the best for you.
Do not focus on what you want to throw away, but on what you want to keep
Focus is key when ordering a house following the method of the Japanese writer. If you simply focus on eliminating what does not serve you, according to her, chaos will return to your life sooner or later. The reason is very simple: this way of acting has no significance or depth.
The correct way to order a room is seriously reflect on what a specific object means to you and what it conveys to you. Kondo finds it helpful to “touch it and feel it”. If you still value it highly, keep it. If he doesn’t say anything to you, thank him for being a part of your life and throw him out. The key is to connect with your belongings to reach a level of depth to that you would not arrive if you simply limited yourself to throwing away what you think or intuit that it is no longer worth it.
The Marie Kondo series on Netflix
A good way to learn more regarding the Japanese author’s method is see the chapters of a series available on Netflix called “Let’s tidy up with Marie Kondo!” In it, Kondo helps a large number of clients keep their homes organized by applying the method that she herself invented. We assure you that you will realize the many mistakes that some make when ordering their homeand therefore it can help you learn and internalize them more.