2023-07-03 08:37:15
• 31st session of State Companies
• The 3 best are: Sonabhy, Sonabel and Lonab
• CEGECI: an asset audit requested
The Prime Minister, Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, congratulated the resilience of the said State companies. (Ph. Yvan Sama)
The Works, Water and Rural Equipment Execution Agency (AGETEER), the National Building and Public Works Laboratory (LNBTP), the Biomedical Equipment and Maintenance Management Company (SOGEMAB) and the National Company management of food security stock (SONAGESS). These 4 Companies were the least efficient out of the 19 State Companies which presented their 2022 year-end financial statements. On June 22 and 23, 2023, in Ouagadougou, the 19 State Companies submitted their activities year-end 2022 to the transitional government. According to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Industrial Development, Trade, Handicrafts and Small and Medium Enterprises (MDICAPME), Fidèle Ilboudo, these 4 companies leave in the state coffers, a cumulative deficit of 1.812 billion FCFA, once morest 3 loss-making companies in 2021. This 2022 deficit impacted the overall net result. Consequently, by integrating the cumulative deficit of the 4 State companies, the overall net result of the 19 companies stands, in 2022, at 76.696 billion, once morest 78.131 billion FCFA in 2021.
Sonabhy, Sonabel and Lonab: a turnover of more than 335 billion FCFA
Conversely, 3 State companies performed particularly well. These are the Burkinabè National Hydrocarbons Company (SONABHY), the Burkina National Electricity Company (SONABEL) and the Burkinabè National Lottery (LONAB) whose turnover increased respectively by 335.631 billion FCFA, 15.326 billion FCFA and 6.940 billion FCFA between 2021 and 2022. The General Assembly underlines that the increase in Sonabhy’s turnover is due to the strong demand for diesel and super fuel consumption. As far as Sonabel is concerned, its turnover has increased due to the increase in the number of subscribers, thanks to the various extensions and the reinforcement of its network.
The contribution to the State budget is more than 500 billion in 2022
The General Managers of State Companies urged to resort rather to national and State expertise to the detriment of the private sector. (Ph. Yvan Sama)
Out of 19 State companies, 15 made a cumulative profit of 78.508 billion FCFA in 2022, compared to 16 beneficiary companies, with a total of 79.624 billion FCFA in 2021. The direct contribution to the State budget of State companies is increased from 372.042 billion in 2021 to 519.638 billion FCFA in 2022, an increase of 147.596 billion FCFA. In addition, 5 State companies show gross operating shortfalls (BWI), namely ACOMOD-B, AGETEER, SBT, SOGEMAB and SONAGESS.
Overall net income: more than 76 billion FCFA
The GA mentions that the overall operating result (RE) of State companies increased by 658 million FCFA, from 114.842 billion in 2021 to 115.500 billion FCFA in 2022. As for the overall net result (RN) of the 19 State companies, it is 76.696 billion in 2022, once morest 78.131 billion FCFA in 2021, a drop of 1.435 billion FCFA in absolute value and 1.84% in relative value, attributable to the drop in results recorded by Sonagess , the BF Post Office, the Lonab and the Lnbtp. This net result includes the cumulative deficit of 1.812 billion FCFA recorded by Ageteer, Lnbtp, Sogemab and Sonagess.
Me Kyelem congratulates the resilience
The Prime Minister congratulated the resilience of the said State companies, despite a difficult context marked by a security situation which remains worrying, and the negative effects of the global economic situation, which has led to a deceleration in the pace of growth of the economy. which fell from 6.9% in 2021 to 3.0% in 2022. Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla urged State companies to resort instead to national and state expertise to the detriment of the private sector.
Box 1
The AG requests an audit of the assets of the CEGECI
The GA of the 31st session of State Companies unanimously adopted a resolution relating to the conduct of an audit of the assets of the Housing Management Center (CEGECI). The audit must be done within 4 months. Also, it appears from the final report that the GA did not approve the accounts for the 2022 financial year of CEGECI.
Box 2
Drop in staff at Sonabel, Onea and Poste BF
The 19 Companies employed a total of 6,921 agents in 2022, compared to 7,145 agents in 2021, representing a decrease in the total workforce of 224 agents. A deficit which is explained by the reduction in the workforce of Sonabel, Onea and Poste BF respectively by 137 agents, 59 agents and 28 agents between 2021 and 2022.
Box 3
Increase in personnel costs: La Lonab, Sonabel, La Poste BF and Sonagess
The personnel costs of the 19 State companies amount to 68.611 billion in 2022, once morest 67.049 billion FCFA in 2021, an increase of 1.562 billion FCFA. The largest increases in personnel costs are recorded by Lonab, Sonabel, LA Poste BF and Sonagess, respectively of 734 million; 619 million; 156 million and 111 million FCFA. The annual average of personnel costs per agent is 9.913 million FCFA in 2022, once morest 9.384 million FCFA in 2021, i.e. a monthly amount per agent of 826,121 FCFA in 2022, once morest 782,004 FCFA in 2021.
Read also:
#efficient #state #companies #AGETEER #LNBTP #SOGEMAB #SONAGESS