4 Health Benefits of Studying a Foreign Language

A person who can speak two or more languages ​​opens up a wide range of new possibilities and opportunities and benefits brain health. [사진=클립아트코리아]

South Korea english stress it’s society You can tell just by looking at the English academies on the street. From elementary school to university to work, English tests are taken. Because of this, some people are skeptical of English.

Learning a foreign language is not good for your health if you get annoyed or stressed while learning a foreign language, but there is nothing wrong with learning a foreign language. foreign language learningsilver many health benefitsHow regarding learning a foreign language while smiling?

According to the Huffington Post, an American media outlet, Fluent in other languagesDoing so will also benefit your health. Especially brain healthcan be a major beneficiary of


Improve cognitive flexibility

According to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, bilingualpeople who use cognitive flexibilitytends to exert never experienced before new situationor unexpectedmore when this occurs respond flexiblythat you can do it

As a result of the research team examining cognitive flexibility in the mother tongue-only and bilingual groups, the bilingual users ability to solve problemsand when solving the problem amount of brain energy consumedalso wrote


A brain that is sharp even with age

According to a paper published in the Annals of Neurology, Foreign languageeven if you learn brain healthcan be helpful to

The research team conducted an intelligence test on participants whose native language was English at the age of 11 and once more in their 70s. adultfollowing it became Foreign languageThose who have learned the language are better than those who speak only their mother tongue. cognitive abilities in old ageThis gave excellent results.

Fast language processing speed

According to another study published in the Journal of Psychological Science, bilingual or morepeople who use it in their brains more than those who don’t. The speed at which certain words are processedis fast

As a result of the research team measuring the pupils’ eye movements, the spelling and meaninggo mother tongueWow second foreign languageIn the same case of the brain word processingthis was short For example, the word ‘sport’ is used in the same sense as ‘sport’ in Germany and the United States. German and English speakers who saw the word processed the word faster than the German-only participants.


Delaying Alzheimer’s Symptoms

According to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, bilingualmore people who speak only their mother tongue than those who speak only their mother tongue Alzheimer’s time of onset 4-5 years lateris postponed to

This is what the research team found when they studied 450 Alzheimer’s patients. Although the research team cannot completely prevent Alzheimer’s by learning a second language, second foreign languagego Buffer rolemight delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Reporter Kim Soo-hyun ksm78@kormedi.com

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited



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