4 Fruits and vegetables that contain manganese Plant source of manganese healthy

Today we have 4 Manganese-containing fruits and vegetables Let’s introduce it. It can be said that manganese (Manganese) is considered a mineral that is important to the body, not allergic to other minerals. For anyone who wants to add manganese to reduce the risk of malnutrition ready to nourish health Must try these fruits and vegetables!

Manganese-containing fruits and vegetables

1. Pue ​​Leng

One cup of spinach provides 0.3 mg, or 13% DV, of manganese (percent of the daily recommended intake), along with healthy vitamin A, folate, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and fiber. It also contains antioxidants to help reduce the imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants (oxidative stress). In addition, it also contains lutein and zeaxanthin that are good for eye health.

2. Pineapple

One cup of pineapple contains 1.5 mg of manganese, or 76% DV (percent of the recommended daily value). Pineapple is also a good source of immune-boosting vitamin C. fight serious diseases like cancer Ready to help nourish the skin. Contains fiber and water content that promotes bowel movements. good for digestive health In addition, it also contains the enzyme bromelain (bromelain) to help digest protein well.

3. Potatoes

One medium-sized baked potato is rich in 0.3 grams of manganese, or about 14% DV (percent of the recommended daily value), especially in the peel, which is also rich in fiber, iron, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Potatoes also contain potassium that helps lower blood pressure. good for blood vessel walls simultaneously counteracting the effects of sodium in the body

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4. Banana

One cup of mashed bananas has 0.6 mg or 30% DV (percent of daily recommended intake) of manganese, along with potassium. Which contributes to lowering blood pressure and preventing serious diseases such as heart attack. It also contains fiber. Let’s help improve digestive health. Plus, bananas are good for kidney health as well. In addition, potassium and other electrolytes The magnesium in bananas also helps reduce muscle cramps.

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